Dumbarton Oaks, Pre-Columbian Studies symposium |
Escrito por Dan Sandweiss |
Miércoles, 12 de Septiembre de 2012 13:01 |
The Dumbarton Oaks, Pre-Columbian Studies symposium The Measure and Meaning of Time in the Americas, organized by Anthony Aveni (Colgate University), will be held at Dumbarton Oaks on October 5th-6th. The symposium Sign and Design: Script as Image in a Cross-Cultural Perspective (300 - 1600 CE) is organized by Brigitte Bedos-Rezak (New York University) and Jeffrey F. Hamburger (Harvard University), and will be held October 12-14. For information on both events, please visit www.doaks.org 2012 SYMPOSIUM THE MEASURE AND MEANING OF TIME IN THE AMERICAS Registration Dumbarton Oaks is pleased to announce the annual Pre-Columbian symposium, to be held in the Music Room of Dumbarton Oaks in Washington, D.C., on Friday, October 5th and Saturday, October 6th, 2012. Please note that the symposium will be two full days: sessions will begin at 9 am on Friday, and conclude Saturday evening. Regardless of what our senses might tell us, in the Western worldview time is regarded as a thing apart, the mere measure of duration, a metric quantity that is continuous, homogeneous, and unchangeable. But like so many concepts we engage in the study of other cultures, time can possess a variety of essences and meanings. This symposium brings together a group of scholars from diverse disciplines and interdisciplines to engage in a dialog regarding the multitude of expressions and understandings of temporal existence in the Mesoamerican and Andean worlds. We deal with questions such as: Are the differences we recognize between history and myth transferrable to these cultures? How does one comprehend time in relation to the transcendent? How is time manifested in ritual as well as in the land/skyscape in which it is practiced? How is time expressed in text and imagery? What is the relation between time and number? And what do we know about how indigenous ways of dealing with time changed, especially following the sudden contact with the Spanish invader? An added dimension to the symposium is concerned with comparing time’s meaning not only with that in Western tradition but also in other world cultures. The symposium is organized with Anthony Aveni (Colgate University). Symposium speakers include Alfredo López Austin (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México), William Barnes (University of St. Thomas, Minnesota), Harvey Bricker (Tulane University), Victoria Bricker (Tulane University), Linda Brown (George Washington University), Jahl Dulanto (DePauw University), Markus Eberl (Vanderbilt University), Richard Landes (Boston University), John Monaghan (University of Illinois at Chicago), Stella Nair (University of California, Los Angeles), Juan Ossio (Universidad Pontificia Católica del Peru), and Tristan Platt (University of St. Andrews). Space for this event is limited, and registration will be handled on a first come, first served basis. For further information, including preliminary abstracts, please visit our website (www.doaks.org) or contact the Pre-Columbian Studies Program at Dumbarton Oaks ( Esta dirección electrónica esta protegida contra spam bots. Necesita activar JavaScript para visualizarla , 202-339-6440). |