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Dear Andeanist, The Institute of Andean Studies invites you to join us for our 53rd Annual Meeting in Berkeley, this January 11-12, 2013 (Friday and Saturday). Everyone is welcome.
The preliminary program is included below. For more detailed program, registration, and accommodations information, please visit
Bruce Owen Secretary and Treasurer Institute of Andean Studies
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Institute of Andean Studies 53rd Annual Meeting, Preliminary Program January 11–12, 2013 Wurster Hall, UC Berkeley, California
FRIDAY MORNING, January 11, 2013
Abigail Levine The Use and Re-use of Ceremonial Space at Taraco, Peru
Scott C. Smith and Maribel Pérez Arias Early Ceremonialism at Khonkho Wankane, Bolivia
Miriam A. Kolar Experimental Archaeology at Chavín de Huántar, Perú: In-Situ Psychoacoustics
Carlos Farfán Lobaton Las Huancas y su Significado Simbólico en los Andes Centrales
FRIDAY AFTERNOON, January 11, 2013
Jennifer Ringberg Highland Identity and Daily Life in a Gallinazo-Early Moche Phase Community
Evan Surridge, Brian Billman, and Jesus Briceño Rosario Quebrada del Leon: Prelimary Results from a Late Moche Hinterland Settlement in the Moche Valley
Sarah I. Baitzel Tiwanaku Mortuary Practices and Social Identities at Omo M10, Moquegua, Peru
Paul S. Goldstein Many Rooms: A Reinterpretation of the Tiwanaku Temple at Omo, Moquegua, Peru
Donna Nash and Matthew Biwer Crafting Chicha: A Material Comparison Between Archaeological and Ethnographic Production
Katharina Schreiber Why Did Wari Collapse?
SATURDAY MORNING, January 12, 2013
Elena Phipps Materiality of Color in an Early Nasca textile
Ann Pollard Rowe Textile Reflections of Highland-Coastal Relationships: Late Chillon and Chancay
Ann H. Peters and Elsa Tomasto Redefining Paracas Necropolis
Robyn E. Cutright Lambayeque Politics in the Chaupiyunga: A View from Ventanillas
SATURDAY AFTERNOON, January 12, 2013
Jean-Pierre Protzen On the Trail of Dwight T. Wallace: the Pisco Valley Revisited
Jason L. Toohey, Bryn Geddes, and Melissa S. Murphy There’s No Place Like Home. A Comparative Review and Interpretation of Human Burials in Dwellings and Domestic Contexts
Anna Guengerich Domestic Monumentality: Spatial Organization and Residential Architecture in Chachapoya Settlements
Di Hu A Perspective of Chincha Economics Through Their Ritual Lithics and Balance Beams
Kenneth R. Wright, Ruth M. Wright, Arminda Gibaja O., Richard W. Miksad, and Gordon M. McEwan Incamisana at Ollanytaytambo, Peru: An Inca Water Temple
David Brown End of Empire: The Final Years of the Inka Occupation in Northern Ecuador
SATURDAY EVENING public talk, January 12, 2013
Gary Urton Knotted Cord Records and Documents in Colonial Peru: Is this the 'Rosetta' Khipu?
POSTERS, FRIDAY & SATURDAY, January 11 and 12, 2013
Benjamin Carter Can Oxygen and Carbon Isotopes be Used to Source Spondylus?
Luis Jaime Castillo Butters and Solsire Cusicanqui Marsano Behind Walls: Cerro Chepén and San Ildefonso, Two Fortified Settlements in the Jequetepeque Valley
Christiane Clados Jaguar In A Frame - On the Iconic Nature of Tocapus and Pre-Incaic Square and Rectangular Motif Units
Ester Echenique Technology and Production Patterns of Fine Wares During the Late Formative and Middle Periods in San Pedro de Atacama (Chile): A Petrographic and Experimental Approach
Francesca Fernandini, Grace Alexandrino, and Juan Francisco Cardenas Architecture and Space at Cerro de Oro, Cañete
Kevin Floerke, University of California, Los Angeles, Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Cusco Valley Inca Road Survey
Alicia Gorman, Jelmer W. Eerkens, and Kevin J. Vaughn Electron Microprobe Analysis of Nasca Polychrome Ceramic Pigments
W. Randall Haas, Jr. Neutral Theory, Residential Mobility, and Site Size Across the Archaic-Formative Transition in the Ilave Basin, Peru
John W. Janusek The Tiwanaku Suñawa Monolith and Early ‘Classic Style’ Carved Stone Stelae: Steps toward a Stylistic Chronology
Ilana Johnson Figurines and Gender Roles in Moche Households
Patricia J. Knobloch Crowns of Knots: Four-Cornered, ‘Pile’ Hats of the Middle Horizon
Luis Armando Muro Ynoñán and Luis Jaime Castillo Butters The Tomb of the Priest of San José de Moro and the Power Relations in the Late Moche Society in the Jequetepeque Valle, Perú
Jeanette Nicewinter What Does That Say? Visual Communication on Cajamarca Ceramics
Dianne Scullin Moche Soundscapes: The Acoustic Properties of Performance Space at Huaca de la Luna and Huaca Sol
Sebastian K.T.S. Wärmländer, Vanessa Muros, and David A. Scott PreHispanic Gold and Tumbaga Fragments from the Rio de La Miel, Colombia |