Call for papers Andean Past |
Écrit par Monica Barnes & Dan Sandweiss |
Mardi, 11 Septembre 2012 05:14 |
Il n'existe pas de traduction pour le moment. Merci de votre compréhension. Contributions are now being considered for Andean Past 11, the next volume in the series to be published. We have two formats: Peer reviewed articles – these are flexible in both length and number of illustrations. All receive strict editorial and peer review. There is no fixed deadline. If work is received too late to be considered for Andean Past 11, it will be considered for Andean Past 12. Please note that we have no backlog of articles, but we accept well under one-half of articles submitted. Articles written in Spanish will be translated into English, if accepted, at no cost to the author. For detailed advice on the preparation of papers for submission to Andean Past contact Monica Barnes ( Cette adresse email est protégée contre les robots des spammeurs, vous devez activer Javascript pour la voir. ) or Dan Sandweiss ( Cette adresse email est protégée contre les robots des spammeurs, vous devez activer Javascript pour la voir. ) . Research reports – these are short reports on current fieldwork, or laboratory, archival, or collections research, or reports on old, but unpublished, research. Research reports are subject to editorial review only. For details contact Monica or Dan. |