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Libro Arqueología y Desarrollo en América del Sur: de la práctica a la teoria PDF Print E-mail
Written by Alexander Herrera   
Monday, 03 June 2013 04:57
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Estimados colegas y amigos de la arqueología,

Es un placer anunciar la publicación del volumen editado Arqueología y Desarrollo en América del Sur: de la práctica a la teoria. Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, Lima y Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá.

"Este libro reúne trabajos que abordan los multifacéticos vínculos entre el desarrollo y la arqueología a inicios del siglo XXI en Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, Perú y Venezuela. Ofrece un panorama amplio y actual de los retos teóricos y prácticos derivados de encarar las ramificaciones de las ciencias sociales en Latinoamérica. Su objetivo central es invertir la mirada de la arqueología: del estudio del pasado hacia la construcción de futuros y de la práctica de campo hacia la teoría social." (Siglo del Hombre)


Introducción. De la práctica a la teoría en la arqueología latinoamericana • 1
Alexander Herrera Wassilowsky

1. Arqueología y desarrollo: anatomía de la complicidad • 13
Alejandro F. Haber

2. Patrimonio arqueológico y desarrollo: pasados que se hacen presente. Experiencias desde el noroeste argentino • 19
Mónica Montenegro y María Clara Rivolta

3. El turismo y la arqueología en el Brasil: una mirada posmoderna • 37
Pedro Paulo A. Funari, Fabiana Manzato y Louise Prado Alfonso

4. Eligiendo identidades: arqueología pública y colonialismo en Brasil • 57
Bruno Sanches Ranzani da Silva

5. Arqueología y desarrollo en el Perú • 75
Alexander Herrera Wassilowsky

6. Entre el agua y la pared: patrimonio, desarrollo, campesinos y arqueólogos en la Cordillera Negra, Perú • 97
Kevin Lane

7. Historias de palmas y pueblos en la búsqueda de alternativas al desarrollo en Colombia • 119
Inés Cavelier

8. Arqueología para el desarrollo y arqueología del desarrollo: una visión desde Colombia • 147
Wilhelm Londoño

9. El desarrollo a escala humana: una alternativa para la gestión del patrimonio arqueológico del estado Barinas, Venezuela • 167
Rafael Gassón y Juan Carlos Vargas

Acerca de los autores • 189
Resúmenes • 191

Mientras llega a la librería del IEP (para la Feria del Libro) se puede pedir aquí: o vía Siglo del Hombre.

El Ebook esta disponible en:

Boletines de Arqueología de la Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru PDF Print E-mail
Written by Rafael Valdez   
Monday, 03 June 2013 04:01
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El Portal de Revistas PUCP contiene los articulos en formato pdf de los numeros 1 a 14 del Boletín de Arqueología PUCP, en forma de acceso gratuito.

Favor seguir el siguiente link:

Asimismo, en breve se publicará el numero 15 de la revista.

Americae: The European Journal of Americanist Archaeology PDF Print E-mail
Written by Americae   
Friday, 01 March 2013 16:58
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Americae is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal dedicated to publishing the most recent findings of archaeological, ethnoarchaeological, and ethnohistoric research carried out within all regions of North and South America. Our goal is to reach an international readership of professional archaeologists and other scholars, while meeting the highest standards of academic rigor.

We accept a variety of manuscript types, including “original research articles” (longer pieces that address broad audiences, such as discussions of method and theory, or major findings that are of great importance to larger regions), “reports” (shorter pieces that may address a more specialized audience, such as detailed descriptions of a specific excavation context, a new method protocol, etc.), and “conference proceedings” (a collection of manuscripts produced from a central symposium topic at a professional meeting). In addition, Americae’s editorial board will regularly put out calls for papers centered on specific themes. All manuscripts submitted to Americae are subject to an anonymous peer-review process that involves a minimum of two expert readers. We accept manuscript submissions in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and French.
Last Updated on Friday, 01 March 2013 18:46
Upano Precolombino PDF Print E-mail
Written by Stéphen Rostain   
Thursday, 03 January 2013 09:53
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Un nuevo libro sobre la arqueología del Ecuador ha sido publicado en español en Quito en Diciembre del 2012. “Upano precolombino” es un libro de divulgación realizado por Stéphen Rostain que presenta el pasado del valle del Upano con numerosas ilustraciones originales (fotografías de campo y de estudio, dibujos, pinturas). Este libro ha sido publicado por el Instituto Panamericano de Geografía e Historia (IPGH) y REPSOL.

Hasta hace no muchos años se conocía poco sobre las poblaciones precolombinas amazónicas. A partir de las nuevas informaciones obtenidas durante una reciente investigación arqueológica en el valle del Upano se describe la historia humana y las actividades de los habitantes de esta región. Este libro presenta la ocupación humana del valle desde hace 2500 años hasta hoy. A partir de 700 a. C., poblaciones de la cultura Upano ocuparon el valle y edificaron montículos de tierra. Huyeron entre 300 y 500 d. C., después de una fuerte erupción del volcán Sangay. De 700 hasta 1200 d. C., grupos de la cultura Huapula se instalaron sobre los montículos. Luego llegaron los Shuar. Durante el siglo XX, la región fue colonizada poco a poco por mestizos. Recientemente, los arqueólogos llegaron.

Stéphen Rostain es Doctor en Arqueología (Universidad de Panteón-Sorbona de París, Francia) y director de investigación en el Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas (CNRS) de Francia. Está actualmente el representante del Instituto Francés de Estudios Andinos en el Ecuador (IFEA) y es miembro activo del Instituto Panamericano de Geografía e Historia.
Desde hace 16 años, el autor estudia los sitios precolombinos excepcionales del valle del Upano.

Last Updated on Thursday, 03 January 2013 10:00
Islands in the Rainforest: Landscape Management in Pre-Columbian Amazonia PDF Print E-mail
Written by Left Coast Press   
Wednesday, 19 December 2012 06:11
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Stéphen Rostain’s book is a culmination of 25 years of research on the extensive human modification of the wetlands environnement of Guiana and how it reshapes our thinking of ancient settlement in lowland South America and other tropical zones. Rostain demonstrates that populations were capable of developing intensive raised-field agriculture, which supported significant human density, and construct causeways, habitation mounds, canals, and reservoirs to meet their needs. The work is comparative in every sense, drawing on ethnology, ethnohistory, ecology, and geography; contrasting island Guiana with other wetland regions around the world; and examining millennia of pre-Columbian settlement and colonial occupation alike. Rostain’s work demands a radical rethinking of conventional wisdom about settlement in tropical lowlands and landscape management by its inhabitants over the course of millennia.

Source: Left Coast Press

Last Updated on Wednesday, 19 December 2012 06:21
New edited volume: The Past Ahead: Language, Culture, and Identity in the Neotropics PDF Print E-mail
Written by Christian Isendahl   
Sunday, 25 November 2012 11:36
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Announcing new volume

The Past Ahead: Language, Culture, and Identity in the Neotropics, Edited by Christian Isendahl, Uppsala: Uppsala University, 2012.

In Andean cognition the embodiment of the past is different from many other ways to spatially relate the position of the body to time. This epistemology is for instance expressed in the Quechua word ñawpa, which signifies that the past is 'in front of us;' it is known and can be seen. Seeing and knowing the past in this way reverberates within the historical ecological argument that the present is contingent with the past and is explicitly reflected within the contributions to this volume. 'The Past Ahead: Language, Culture, and Identity in the Neotropics' forms a collection of reworked papers originally presented in shorter format by archaeologists, anthropologists, and linguists at the research symposium 'Archaeology and Society in Bolivia' organized at Uppsala University by the editor. The volume includes chapters by Jan-Åke Alvarsson, Lisbet Bengtsson, Roger Blench, Sergio Calla, Christian Isendahl, Carla Jaimes, John Janusek, Adriana Muñoz, Heiko Prümers, Walter Sánchez, Per Stenborg, Juan Marcelo Ticona, and Charlotta Widmark examining a series of different aspects of agriculture, complex societies, identities, landscape, languages, and urbanism in the highland and lowland Neotropics that all highlight the significance of the past in the present.

"How can historical ecology deepen our knowledge of both the past and the future? Memories are always in front of us: they are stored in speech, body rhythms, urban forms, networks of passage, landscapes of labor. In the tradition of De Landa, this important book offers a compelling vision of nonlinear time in a rich neotropical setting."
-Carole L. Crumley, University of North Carolina

"With a focus on highland and lowland Bolivian archaeology and ethnography this edited volume is a must read for anyone interested in the historical ecology of the Neotropics."
-William I. Woods, University of Kansas

For more info or order details of hard copy (not sure of price but probably lower than postage) or pdf (free) please contact the editor at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

New edited volume: Past Presented: Archaeological Illustration and the Ancient Americas PDF Print E-mail
Written by Sara M. Taylor   
Sunday, 25 November 2012 11:28
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Dumbarton Oaks is pleased to announce the arrival of Past Presented: Archaeological Illustration and the Ancient Americas, edited by Joanne Pillsbury.

Illustrations remain one of the fundamental tools of archaeology, a means by which we share information and build ideas. Often treated as if they were neutral representations, archaeological illustrations are the convergence of science and the imagination. This volume, a collection of fourteen essays addressing the visual presentation of the Pre-Columbian past from the fifteenth century to the present day, explores and contextualizes the visual culture of archaeological illustration, addressing the intellectual history of the field, and the relationship of archaeological illustration to other scientific disciplines and the fine arts. One of the principal questions raised by this volume is how do archaeological illustrations, which are organizing complex sets of information, shape the construction of knowledge? These visual and conceptual constructions warrant closer scrutiny: they matter, they shape our thinking. Archaeological illustrations are a mediation of vision and ideas, and the chapters in this volume consider how visual languages are created and how they become institutionalized. Past Presented: Archaeological Illustration and the Ancient Americas is about the ways in which representations illuminate the concerns and possibilities of a specific time and place and how these representations, in turn, shaped the field of archaeology.

October 2012, hardcover, ISBN 978-088402-380-7, $65.00 Past Presented: Archaeological Illustration and the Ancient Americas can be ordered through Harvard University Press:

Première Projection en France du film de Samia Maldonado "Mindalae" PDF Print E-mail
Written by Traditions pour demain   
Friday, 09 November 2012 15:29
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"Traditions pour Demain" a le plaisir de vous inviter a la premiere projection en France du film de Samia Maldonado :


Présentation du film avant la projection par la realisatrice, Présidente de l'Asociacion de Productores Audiovisuales Kichuas (Otavalo, Equateur)
Date : Jeudi 29 novembre 2012 a 19h00
Lieu : Centre Calouste Gulbenkian, 39, bd de La Tour-Maubourg, Paris 7eme
Metro La Tour-Maubourg, Varenne - RER (C) Invalides - Bus 28 - Réservation conseillée : tel. 01 47 05 16 24, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it -

Film en espagnol et quechua, sous-titre anglais (2012, 76 min) - Traduction consécutive de Samia Maldonado
Entrée libre - Soirée suivie d'un cocktail, organisée avec le soutien de la Fondation Calouste Gulbenkian et de la FGC (

Les Kichuas d'Otavalo (Equateur) et de sa région parcourent le monde depuis le milieu du XIXème siècle à la recherche de marchés pour leur artisanat textile. Les Mindalae sont ces hommes et ces femmes, aventuriers migrants qui ont acquis avec le temps une reconnaissance politique, économique et sociale distincte de la condition habituelle des migrants. Leur intégration au monde par le commerce, la musique et les contacts, parfois au plus haut niveau, et les défis qu'ils rencontrent sont déclinés dans "Mindalae". Les Otavalos : un peuple qui a su éviter, non sans reproches parfois, de se perdre dans le dédale des cultures qu'il a cotoyées lors de son implantation à l'étranger.
Le film a été produit par APAK avec le soutien de l'UNESCO, notamment.
Last Updated on Wednesday, 19 December 2012 06:21
Presentación de la obra "Betty J. Meggers Setenta y cinco años de trayectoria existosa en la arqueología sudamericana" PDF Print E-mail
Written by José Echeverría Almeida   
Friday, 09 November 2012 14:41
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José Echeverría Almeida (editor) y la FLACSO, tienen el honor de invitar a Usted (es) a la presentación de la obra:



Fecha: 15 de noviembre de 2012

Hora: 17h30

Lugar: edificio principal de la FLACSO (calle La Pradera E7-174 y Av. Diego de Almagro. Torre 1, Subsuelo 1, sala 1)

Su presencia dará realce a este acto académico.

Last Updated on Monday, 12 November 2012 05:01
Revista Arqueología y Sociedad (completas) en línea PDF Print E-mail
Written by Juan Roel   
Friday, 19 October 2012 12:53
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Hoy, 19 de octubre de 2012, empezamos a colocar en línea los primeros diez números de la revista Arqueología y Sociedad. Nuestro objetivo, poner a su disposición las publicaciones que ha realizado el Museo a lo largo de su existencia y que no es posible encontrarlas en ferias, librerías o bibliotecas. Esta labor se hará por etapas pues el material es inmenso, variado y no existe suficiente personal para tamaña tarea. Nos anima siempre que la información encuentre al alcance de la mayoría, como fue el deseo del fundador del Museo, Julio C. Tello.

Ingrese a:

Proceedings of the III Ecuadorian Congress of Anthropology and Archaeology PDF Print E-mail
Written by Gaëtan Juillard   
Tuesday, 25 September 2012 10:51

For a couple of years, the Consejo Nacional de Cultura (CNC) restart the publication of their Revista Nacional de Cultura, a publication that has become a reference in the field of editions dedicated to heritage and social sciences.

The numbers 15 and 16 of this publication are devoted to publishing the proceedings of the III Ecuadorian Congress of Anthropology and Archaeology, held in Guayaquil, from 6 to 10 October 2008. The scale of such a project has led to the CNC to edit three volumes containing a miscellany of the current state of archaeological and anthropological studies in the region.

Revista Nacional de Cultura, edition of the Consejo Nacional de Cultura, 772 pp., 2012.

Call for papers Andean Past PDF Print E-mail
Written by Monica Barnes & Dan Sandweiss   
Tuesday, 11 September 2012 05:14
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Contributions are now being considered for Andean Past 11, the next volume in the series to be published. We have two formats:

Peer reviewed articles – these are flexible in both length and number of illustrations. All receive strict editorial and peer review. There is no fixed deadline. If work is received too late to be considered for Andean Past 11, it will be considered for Andean Past 12. Please note that we have no backlog of articles, but we accept well under one-half of articles submitted. Articles written in Spanish will be translated into English, if accepted, at no cost to the author.

For detailed advice on the preparation of papers for submission to Andean Past contact Monica Barnes ( This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ) or Dan Sandweiss ( This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ) .

Research reports – these are short reports on current fieldwork, or laboratory, archival, or collections research, or reports on old, but unpublished, research. Research reports are subject to editorial review only. For details contact Monica or Dan.

Pre-Columbian Society of America symposium on cultural landscapes PDF Print E-mail
Written by Dan Sandweiss   
Tuesday, 11 September 2012 04:30
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The Pre-Columbian Society of Washington, D.C. is currently accepting registrations for its 19th annual symposium, The World Around Them: How Pre-Columbian Societies Created Their Cultural Landscapes. The symposium will take place in Washington, D.C., on September 15, 2012.

In a year when much attention is being given to ancient American notions of time, noted scholars will explore other equally important aspects of the pre-Columbian world--how Mesoamerican and Andean societies manipulated their environments to communicate and reinforce ideas about social organization, political power, and cosmic order. Addressing this topic will be Wendy Ashmore, University of California at Riverside (moderator); David Carrasco, Harvard Divinity School; Clark Erickson, University of Pennsylvania; Jean-Pierre Protzen, University of California at Berkeley; Heather Richards-Rissetto, Bruno Kessler Foundation, Trento, Italy, and Juliet Wiersema, University of Texas, San Antonio.

On-line registration is possible and encouraged. For details and registration information, please go to the Pre-Columbian Society's website:

Last Updated on Tuesday, 11 September 2012 04:57
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