General Terms of Use of the website |
Written by Gaëtan Juillard |
Friday, 27 October 2006 17:50 |
Arqueología Ecuatoriana grants the user the right to use the Internet site with legal ends. Any use of its contents for illegal or piracy ends will be penalized by legal persecutions and sanctions, on the terms described by the Ecuadorian, French and/or international laws, as of the present general terms of use. The user implicitly recognizes, by surfing and/or using the functions offered by this portal, to accept and obey to the present general terms of use. Please denounce any violation of the following terms of use by writing to the email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . 1. Portal editorial line The line proposed by the administration team is open, neutral, nonreligious and without relation to any political party. Arqueología Ecuatoriana is a place for diffusion of scientific information, debate and exchange; therefore we accept all contribution that will be contribute to the creation of a participative, flexible and always evolving Internet site. The desire of the portal is to become a meeting pot of ideas, a place for reflection, debate and analysis where opposed points of view will face each other to produce innovative concepts. Arqueología Ecuatoriana web site is independent; it does not belong to any institution, religious group or any other kina of pressure group. This portal wants to be the spokesperson for Ecuadorian archaeology and, therefore, of the multitude of voices that are part of it, in respect to the opinion of every one. On our pages, great questions will be treated with and open mind, but with the constant filter of doubt and wondering. 2. Articles presented to the Editorial Committee. We ask our readers who present articles to the Editorial Committee to use the form corresponding to the section “submit contents” form the “Authors” menu. This functionality is uniquely accessible to registered users whose reference is a part of the portal. Articles and iconographic figures associated should comply with the dispositions presented on the “submit contents” section. Authors will get the judgment regarding their article on a three week to a month period. In case of rejection, the President of the Editorial Committee will make the decision of the Committee official, previous to a ruling form is members. Articles accepted by the Editorial Committee will be posted online on a 48 hour period (except in case of technical difficulties) on the corresponding section. From the published articles, those selected by the Committee to be posted on the electronic magazine by the name of "Arqueología Ecuatoriana" (which will be later edited on paper), will be mentioned on the monthly letter (or informative bulletin) that corresponds to the month of publication of the magazine number. The specialized magazine Ecuador Antiguo, doted with a specific scientific Reading Committee (that could later on be edited on paper) will also be available on the portal. This magazine will be destined to theory consistent articles that will present a professional reflection with the subjects related to Arqueología Ecuatoriana. The contributions to this magazine should be done with the same form used to submit contents, but a mention to Ecuador Antiguo Journal should be made. The Apachita Journals is an extension for the diffusion of work by the archaeology students of the Universidad Católica del Ecuador (PUCE) and is offered on an electronic version. To submit contents to this magazine please address directly to Ernesto Salazar, editor of Apachita. Authors are still owners of the property rights to their articles and, therefore, can ask at any moment to the webmaster the suspension and/or suppression of their publication. 3. Articles no presented to the Editorial Committee The contribution of texts made by the authors to specific sections that do not require Editorial Committee approval will be Publisher within 48 working hours (except in the case of technical difficulties) alter the orthographic review by the redaction. Affirmations done on these sections are under the responsibility of their authors. They do not compromise in any way the responsibility of the portal Arqueología Ecuatoriana. However, the Editorial Committee and the webmaster reserve the right to take out or suppress without previous notice the entire or part of an article and related content if this affect human dignity, present a racist, xenophobic or pornographic nature and if in a broader sense can clash with the audience sensibility. The authors are still owners of the property rights to their articles and, therefore, can ask at any moment their suspension or removal to the webmaster. 4. Photographic Galleries and Map Database Authors who submit illustrations and/or photos to the corresponding sections are still owners of their property rights. They grant Arqueología Ecuatoriana the right to difund the previously cited content under the condition of mentioning their sources. Author can at any moment ask the webmaster to suppress or retire the submitted content. The Editorial Committee and the webmaster reserve the right to retire or suppress without previous notice the totality or part of and article if its contents are associated, or affect human dignity, present racist, xenophobic or pornographic nature, or if on a broader sense can clash with the audience sensibility. 5. Forum, Chats and commentaries 5.1. Forums With the intention of promoting debate and exchange of ideas and knowledge inside and outside of the scientific community, the users to this site have to their disposition thematic forums destined to share their ideas, opinions and observations. In the middle of every forum, users can create new subjects. The webmaster and the directors reserve to themselves however the right to close and/or move subjects or redundant or out of context messages. Affirmations made on the public message boards on forums are under the responsibility of their author and does not compromise in any case the responsibility of Arqueología Ecuatoriana. However the Editorial Committee and the web master reserve the right to retire and/or suppress with out previous notice the entire or part of the messages and content associated to them if its contents are associated, or affect human dignity, present racist, xenophobic or pornographic nature, or if on a broader sense can clash with the audience sensibility. Here and in the same way than in other sections of the portal, we ask users to use correct and polite expressions and to respect other members and their opinions. Personal attacks will not be allowed in the forums. More details are available on the terms of use and forums own FAQ’s. 5.2. Comments Arqueología Ecuatoriana offers users of the site the possibility to add comments at the end of every article. Arqueología Ecuatoriana can not be made responsible of the affirmations done on the comments. However the Editorial Committee reserves the right to suppress or retire without previous notice the totality or part of the comments and related contents if its contents are associated, or affect human dignity, present racist, xenophobic or pornographic nature, or if on a broader sense can clash with the audience sensibility. Here and in the same way than in other sections of the portal, we ask users to use correct and polite expressions and to respect other members and their opinions. Personal attacks will not be allowed in the forums. 6. Contents proposed for download The contents proposed for download, of any nature, are still property of their authors and can’t therefore compromise the responsibility of Arqueología Ecuatoriana, for possible damages to applications or equipment or in case of incorrect use of it, as for any viruses introduced because of the downloading of contents from this portal. However the Editorial Committee and the web master reserve the right to retire and/or suppress with out previous notice the entire or part of the messages and content associated to them if its contents are associated, or affect human dignity, present racist, xenophobic or pornographic nature, or if on a broader sense can clash with the audience sensibility. The contributors give Arqueología Ecuatoriana and its users the right to reproduce and share contents under the condition to mention the name of the author and eventually the original source. Authors can at any moment retire or suppress the contents they have submitted by contacting the webmaster. 7. Section "Research projects" Arqueología Ecuatoriana proposes that Ecuadorian or foreign scientist make use of their web site by having a personal space on their Server that will allow them to present actualized information of their research projects. These projects should have a previous authorization by the INPC (National Institute of Cultural Heritage) of Ecuador. Arqueología Ecuatoriana will not be considered responsible for the contents submitted to these spaces. Affirmations done in this sections compromise only their authors Although this section is not subject to any editorial review from the redaction, the Editorial Committee and the webmaster reserve the right to retire and/or suppress with out previous notice the entire or part of the messages and content associated to them if its contents are associated, or affect human dignity, present racist, xenophobic or pornographic nature, or if on a broader sense can clash with the audience. Here and in the same way than in other sections of the portal, we ask users to use correct and polite expressions and to respect other members and their opinions. The technical information relating to this spaces dedicated to research projects can be acquired through the webmaster. To subscribe to this service please contact the webmaster. 8. Section "Archaeologists" Arqueología Ecuatoriana proposes that Ecuadorian or foreign scientist make use of their web site by having a personal space on their Server that will allow them to present actualized personal contact information by means of a "Blog" type page. Arqueología Ecuatoriana will not be considered responsible for the contents submitted to these spaces. Affirmations done in these sections are only the responsibility of their authors. Although this section is not subject to any editorial review from the redaction, the Editorial Committee and the webmaster reserve the right to retire and/or suppress with out previous notice the entire or part of the messages and content associated to them if its contents are associated, or affect human dignity, present racist, xenophobic or pornographic nature, or if on a broader sense can clash with the audience. Here and in the same way than in other sections of the portal, we ask users to use correct and polite expressions and to respect other members and their opinions. The technical information relating to this spaces dedicated to research projects can be acquired through the webmaster. To subscribe to this service please contact the webmaster. 9. Section "Journals" Arqueología Ecuatoriana offers to magazines that do not have an Internet page the publication of their articles and numbers under the “journals” section of the site. Arqueología Ecuatoriana will not be considered responsible for the contents submitted by their owners. Every magazine maintains their editorial independence under the responsibility of their publication director and editorial director of each one of them. Affirmations done in this sections are only the responsibility of their authors, Although this section is not subject to any editorial review from the redaction, the Editorial Committee and the webmaster reserve the right to retire and/or suppress with out previous notice the entire or part of the messages and content associated to them if its contents are associated, or affect human dignity, present racist, xenophobic or pornographic nature, or if on a broader sense can clash with the audience. 10. Section "Museums" Arqueología Ecuatoriana proposes Ecuadorian museums that desire or don’t have an Internet page access to space on their Server that will allow them to benefit form a portal that will show the current museum and that actualizes with current information. Arqueología Ecuatoriana will not be considered responsible for the contents submitted to these spaces. Affirmations done in these sections are only the responsibility of the museums. Although this section is not subject to any editorial review from the redaction, the Editorial Committee and the webmaster reserve the right to retire and/or suppress with out previous notice the entire or part of the messages and content associated to them if its contents are associated, or affect human dignity, present racist, xenophobic or pornographic nature, or if on a broader sense can clash with the audience. Here and in the same way than in other sections of the portal, we ask users to use correct and polite expressions and to respect other members and their opinions. The technical information relating to this spaces dedicated to research projects can be acquired through the webmaster. To subscribe to this service please contact the webmaster. 11. Laws tribunals and competent authorities Any difficulty, claim or dispute, come from or are linked to the present general terms of use, will be ruled by Ecuadorian and/or French law. The law courts form Quito (Ecuador) and Paris (France) will be the only competent organisms. The present general terms of use can be modified without previous notice. |
Last Updated on Saturday, 22 May 2010 05:26 |