IAS 55th Annual Meeting |
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Written by Bruce Owen |
Wednesday, 03 December 2014 16:28 |
There are no translations available at this moment. Thanks for your comprehension. Dear Andeanist, The Institute of Andean Studies invites you to join us for our 55th Annual Meeting in Berkeley, this January 9-10, 2015 (Friday and Saturday). Everyone is welcome. The preliminary program of papers and posters is included below. For a more detailed program, paper and poster abstracts, and registration and accommodation information, please visit http://www.instituteofandeanstudies.org/meetings.html Registration is $40.00 ($10.00 for students) until January 1, 2015, and $60.00 ($20.00 for students) thereafter, including at the meeting. You may register online at the link above. If you have already registered, thank you! This year, we are pleased to announce our first annual Travel Grantee, Verónica Isabel Williams, of the National Council of Scientific and Technological Research (CONICET), University of Buenos Aires. You are also invited to the second annual IAS Commensal Feast. We have reserved a room at the nearby Faculty Club for sixty attendees to discuss and network over lunch on Friday. Anyone registered for the meeting is welcome. Attendees will purchase their own reasonably-priced meals, but the pleasant space is entirely ours. Reserve your seat as you sign in at the meeting. Regards, Bruce Owen Institute of Andean Studies 55th Annual Meeting, Preliminary Program January 9–10, 2015 Wurster Hall, UC Berkeley, California FRIDAY MORNING, January 9, 2015 Christine A. Hastorf, Maria Bruno, Ruth Fontenla, Geoffrey Taylor The continuing debate of raised fields: a study at “Formative” Chiripa on the Taraco Peninsula, Bolivia Sara L. Juengst Long-distance travelers in the Titicaca basin during the Formative Period Abigail Levine A new model for early complexity in the northern Lake Titicaca basin, Peru Charles R. Ortloff The BCE 300–1100 CE Tiwanaku perimeter canal: its dual ceremonial and hydrological function FRIDAY AFTERNOON, January 9, 2015 Nicole M. Slovak Cranial modification and shifting identities at Ancón, Peru Peter R. Fuchs, Renate Patzschke, Jesus Briceno From the Archaic to the Formative: monumental architectural tradition at Sechin Bajo, Casma, Peru Ivan Ghezzi, Rodolfo Rodriguez First dendroarchaeological series in Peru: results from Chankillo, Casma Jeffrey Quilter Chronology, climate, and culture change on the North Coast of Peru: A reevaluation Brian R. Billman, Jesús Briceño Rosario, Julio Rucabado-Yong New light on the Late Moche phase in the Moche Valley: results of recent excavations and settlement pattern analysis Gabriel Ramon Potters from the puna: reconsidering the evidence FRIDAY EVENING, 5:30 pm January 9, 2015 Annual business meeting (IAS members only) SATURDAY MORNING, January 10, 2015 Ann Pollard Rowe Defining the beginning of the Chancay textile style Grace Katterman Tunics, cloaks and loin cloths: male style and design at South Coastal Inca outposts Dawn Lohnas, Ellen Howe, Judith Levinson, Adriana Rizzo, Federico Carò A technological study of post-fire painted Paracas ceramics Liz Gonzales Ruiz Nuevas propuestas sobre el uso de las cabezas humanas aisladas halladas en el sitio arqueológico de Cahuachi, Nasca-Perú SATURDAY AFTERNOON, January 10, 2015 Mariusz Ziółkowski, Jaroslaw Arabas From image to statistics: recent studies on “tocapus” signs Mario A. Ramos Vargas Hallazgo singular de un grupo de quipus Inca en Huaycán de Cieneguilla, Costa Central de Perú Bill Sillar, Melissa Chatfield, Rob Ixer, Sara Lunt, Gordon Mcewan, Dennis Ogburn Becoming empire: social, economic and material changes at the start of Inka imperial expansion Rodolfo Monteverde Sotil Esculturas zoomorfas y ritualidad Inca en el Cuzco-Perú Verónica Isabel Williams (IAS 2015 Travel Grantee) Social landscape during Inca dominion in Northwest Argentina Larry Coben Conquest, incorporation or...? The Inka, the Huarco and the Cañete valley SATURDAY EVENING, 8:15 pm January 10, 2015 (Open to the public) Henry Tantaleán, Charles Stanish The ritual offerings in the sunken patio at Cerro del Gentil, Chincha SATURDAY EVENING, 9:15 pm January 10, 2015 President’s reception at the Archaeological Research Facility POSTERS, FRIDAY & SATURDAY, January 9 and 10, 2015 Hans Barnard, Augusto Cordona Rosas, María Cecilia Lozada Wari presence in the Vitor Valley (Arequipa, Peru) Jacob Bongers, Colleen O’shea, Henry Tantaleán Conserving and interpreting two bird pendants from the mid-Chincha Valley, Peru Christiane Clados Beyond music: non-musical uses of music instruments in Paracas and Nasca iconography James Davenport Provisioning state-sponsored ceremonies in the provinces: neutron activation analysis of Inka and pre-Inka ceramics from the Temple of the Sun, Pachacamac Giacomo Gaggio, Paul S. Goldstein The role of plants in a Tiwanaku temple: results of a paleoethnobotanical analysis from Omo M10, Moquegua, Peru Heather Hill, Tyrel Sorensen, Teresa Hogan, Morgan Dreesbach, Jeremiah Camp, Leah Swett Architecture in the CA8 complex of Huaycán de Pariachi: reflections of cultural interactions on the central coast Teresa Hogan, Morgan Dreesbach, Jennie Gregory, Tyrel Sorensen, Jeremiah Camp Evidence for undocumented cultural occupations in the Lurin-Rimac divide Agnes Aiko Horimoto, Guillermo Campos, Woon Man Tang, Alexei Vranich Reconstructing architecture through 3D printing Jason Kjolsing, Paul S. Goldstein Coastal resources at an inland temple: analysis of the marine assemblage of the Tiwanaku Omo Temple Karl La Favre A late prehispanic ceremonial-mortuary landscape in the eastern slopes near Lake Titicaca Julia Longo, Cyrus Banikazemi, Brian Billman, Patrick Mullins Modern settlement patterns and site preservation in the Middle Moche Valley Erik J. Marsh Accelerating history in the Lake Titicaca basin: the rapid emergence of agropastoralism and the state Laura G. Marsh Examining variability and provenance through ceramic petrography at Chavín de Huántar Shaina Molano, Rebecca Bria Exploring variation in cranial modification at Hualcayán, Ancash highlands, Peru Luis Muro, Nicholas Brown Community archaeology at San José de Moro, Peru Ann H. Peters Paracas Necropolis: “outsider” textiles Emily A. Sharp, Rebecca E. Bria An analysis of trepanned crania in highland Ancash, Peru Matthew Sitek, Paul S. Goldstein Preliminary research at the site of Cerro San Antonio in the middle Locumba Valley, Peru Maciej Sobczyk Maucallacta – an Inca ceremonial center in Cuntisuyu Sadie Weber Feeding the gods: microbotanical analysis at Chavín de Huántar Kenneth Wright, Ruth Wright The Inca road system |