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Publications and issues

Informe de gestión 2014 del INPC PDF Print E-mail
Publications and issues
Written by Gaëtan Juillard   
Sunday, 05 July 2015 12:40
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El Instituto Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural ha publicado su informe de gestión para el año 2014.

Descargar el informe [PDF]

Informe de gestión 2013 del INPC PDF Print E-mail
Publications and issues
Written by Gaëtan Juillard   
Sunday, 05 July 2015 12:39
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El Instituto Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural ha publicado su informe de gestión para el año 2013.

Descargar el informe [PDF]

Portable Digital Microscope Atlas of Ceramic Pastes Components, Texture and Technology PDF Print E-mail
Publications and issues
Written by Isabelle C. Druc   
Wednesday, 21 January 2015 04:17
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Dear colleagues,
Please note the publication of the new book

Portable Digital Microscope Atlas of Ceramic Pastes Components, Texture and Technology

It is the English, expanded and updated version of 'Pastas cerámicas en lupa digital', and might be of interest to non Andeanists as well. It is a reference book for all involved in the analysis of archaeological ceramics and a major tool to help study, classify and choose the best fragments for archaeometric analysis.

This manual is the first of its sort describing the use of the new portable digital microscope for analysis of archaeological ceramics in the field or in the laboratory. It is presented like a geological atlas with a description of the most common minerals and lithic fragments found in ancient ceramic pastes to help archaeologists identify what they see under the microscope. Identification of manufacture and technological features are also addressed. An analytic protocol is proposed along with further suggestions for granulometric and digital image analyses to help with the constitution of groups of similar composition and paste texture. The manual is abundantly illustrated with pictures of archaeological and ethnographic ceramic pastes and raw materials.

The book benefitted from the technical collaboration of geologists Bruce Velde for the review of the English version and Lisenia Chavez for Chapter 3.

Deep University Press, 120 pages, 130+ color photographs.

For now, the book is on Amazon

Manga allpa : cerámica indígena de la Amazonía ecuatoriana PDF Print E-mail
Publications and issues
Written by Gaëtan Juillard   
Saturday, 13 December 2014 06:40
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Rostain S., Saulieu Geoffroy de, Jaime Betancourt J., Duche Hidalgo C. Manga allpa : cerámica indígena de la Amazonía ecuatoriana. Quito : Secretaria Nacional de Educacion Superior, Ciencia, Tecnologia e Innovacion, 2014, 99 p. EIAA.Encuentro Internacional de Arqueologia Amazonica, 3., Quito (ECU), 2013/09/08-14. ISBN 978942139351

Last Updated on Monday, 22 December 2014 04:03
El Alto Pastaza preclombino en Ecuador : del mito a la arqueologia PDF Print E-mail
Publications and issues
Written by Gaëtan Juillard   
Sunday, 02 November 2014 11:39
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Rostain S., Saulieu Geoffroy de, Lézy E. El Alto Pastaza preclombino en Ecuador : del mito a la arqueologia. In : Rostain S. (ed.) Amazonia : memorias de las conferencias magistrales del 3er Encuentro International de Arqueologia Amazonica. Quito : EIAA, 2014, p. 159-185. EIAA : Encuentro International de Arqueologia Amazonica, 3., Quito (ECU), 2013/09/08-14. ISBN 9789942138934.

Last Updated on Monday, 22 December 2014 04:05
El formativo del Alto Pastaza (Ecuador), entre arqueologia y vulcanologia PDF Print E-mail
Publications and issues
Written by Gaëtan Juillard   
Sunday, 02 November 2014 11:20
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Saulieu Geoffroy de, Rostain S., Le Pennec Jean-Luc. El formativo del Alto Pastaza (Ecuador), entre arqueologia y vulcanologia. In : Rostain S. (ed.) Antes de Orellana : actas del 3er Encuentro International de Arqueologia Amazonica. Quito : IFEA, 2014, (37), p. 199-205. (Actes et Mémoires de l'IFEA ; 37). EIAA : Encuentro International de Arqueologia Amazonica : Simposio "Ecuador", 3., Quito (ECU), 2013/09/08-14. ISBN 9789942138927.

Last Updated on Monday, 22 December 2014 04:05
Arqueologia Iberoamericana PDF Print E-mail
Publications and issues
Written by Dr. Pascual Izquierdo   
Sunday, 19 January 2014 08:42
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Arqueologia Iberoamericana wants to publish monographic supplements on various topics such as Andean Archaeology. Knowing the problems involved in paying for publishing, these supplements will be disseminated through institutional subscriptions. That is, authors can publish for free on these supplements. The only requirement is to ask the subscription of their institutions. In addition, you could control the issue of the supplement on Andean Archaeology. Many thanks.

Sincerely yours,
Dr. Pascual Izquierdo
Editor of Arqueologia Iberoamericana

Non-Professional Archaeological Photographs-project PDF Print E-mail
Publications and issues
Written by Bart Wagemakers   
Tuesday, 19 November 2013 08:39
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Recently, the Non-Professional Archaeological Photographs-project (NPAPH) has been initiated. The project aims to trace non-professionals or their heirs, who joined or visited an archaeological campaign prior the 1980s, to collect and digitise their photographic documentation and, finally, to make it accessible to the public via digital photo archives. The term "non-professional" refers to participants of excavations who were not part of the trained staff, but who assisted as part of their continuing education or out of interest, for instance students, volunteers, reporters, sponsors or even royalties.

Despite the fact that the project has only recently been started, several reputed institutions and also individuals have already shown their support in this new initiative. However, we welcome other institutions and persons who conducted or joined excavations prior the 1980s and who are interested in digitising non-professional photographic documentation to contact the NPAPH-project organisation. The projectís aim can only be achieved with support from you. So please spread the word among your contacts who fit the profile, visit our website (, and follow us on Facebook ( and Twitter (@npaph). It will be worth the effort!

Décès de Jean Guffroy PDF Print E-mail
Publications and issues
Written by Gaëtan Juillard   
Friday, 08 November 2013 22:23
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Nous venons d’apprendre, avec grande tristesse, le décès à l'âge de 64 ans de Jean Guffroy, directeur de recherche à l’IRD, retraité depuis 2010.

Formé en Europe à la préhistoire avec A. Laming Emperaire et A. Leroi-Gourhan, Jean Guffroy avait soutenu en 1979, à l'École pratique des hautes études, une thèse portant sur les pétroglyphes péruviens et leur symbolique. Il fut pensionnaire de l'Institut français d'études andines, affecté au sud de l’Équateur, avant d’être recruté en 1985 à l’Orstom.

Il a été affecté au Pérou, en Équateur et au Mexique, menant des campagnes de fouilles sur ces trois terrains où, avec ses collègues, il a mis au jour des sites monumentaux importants.

Ses travaux ont porté sur les pétroglyphes des Andes, dont il était un des meilleurs connaisseurs, et sur les sociétés formatives entre Pérou et Équateur.

En 2001, il réunit la plupart des archéologues de l’IRD dans l’unité Adaptations humaines aux environnements tropicaux durant l’Holocène (Adentrho), qu’il a dirigé jusqu’en 2004 et qui deviendra l’une des constituantes de l’UMR Patrimoines locaux (Paloc).

Jean Guffroy a publié plusieurs ouvrages de synthèse sur l’art rupestre des Andes, ainsi que plusieurs monographies incontournables.

Très apprécié de ses collègues pour son énergie, son rejet du formalisme et sa bienveillance, notamment envers les jeunes chercheurs, il s’était retiré en Sologne. Il laissera, ainsi qu’il le décrit lui-même, l’image d’un « esprit libertaire prônant l'amour du gai savoir ».

Bernard Dreyfus
Directeur général délégué à la Science<

Antiquity Journal Announcement PDF Print E-mail
Publications and issues
Written by Kevin Lane   
Friday, 16 August 2013 04:33

The latest issue of Antiquity has just appeared (, with articles covering archaeology in Asia, Africa and the Americas as well as Europe. Our mission is to publish archaeological research from all parts of the world, and all periods of the past, across a wide range of themes. We are particularly keen to encourage submissions on Central and South America, and from Latin American archaeologists.

Please contact us if you have an article in mind that you’d like to discuss with us: we’ll be very happy to advise, and indeed we are willing to work with authors to help develop their articles and make them ready for publication: our key criterion is high quality content. Do contact us at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or submit an article via our online portal at

Our standard research articles are 5000 words in length; all submissions are subject to peer review. With four issues per year we can offer relatively speedy publication. Antiquity has a large, diverse and international readership, and provides an ideal medium for bringing archaeological results to the attention of a wide audience.

Boletín de Arqueología PUCP n°15 PDF Print E-mail
Publications and issues
Written by Jose Carlos Picon   
Friday, 16 August 2013 04:30
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Publicación especializada dedica el volumen a las tradiciones andinas tempranas en los ámbitos de la cultura, la tecnología y el medio ambiente

Con su edición número 15, el Boletín de Arqueología PUCP ha cumplido más de tres lustros de existencia, dirigido desde su fundación por el profesor Peter Kaulicke. El presente número lleva un título que pueda resultar algo inusual por el uso de los términos «tradición» y «cultura» en conjunto con los más familiares de «tecnología» y «medioambiente». Inusual en relación al tiempo escogido —el lapso comprendido por el pleistoceno final y el holoceno temprano— donde los aspectos más cognitivos suelen subordinarse a otros que caracterizan a estos seres humanos como cazadores-recolectores, ya que no alcanzan el nivel de lo que, por lo general, se entiende por economía.

Esta caracterización ha llevado, sobre todo en el Perú, a una falta de interés en lo que antecede a lo que se interpreta como complejidad social. De ahí resulta que el estudio del período arcaico es necesario para entender todo lo posterior, cuyo esplendor se basa en procesos precedentes. En el presente número se retrocede incluso al origen de los orígenes, es decir a la más temprana aparición del hombre en territorios andinos. Este tema, así como el del sedentarismo y la domesticación de plantas y animales, alcanza relevancia global y plantea problemáticas fascinantes para Sudamérica.

Los aportes que incluye este número del Boletín cubren un espacio amplio, desde Colombia hasta Tierra del Fuego, y presentan el estado de los conocimientos de las diferentes regiones de Sudamérica por parte de investigadores colombianos, ecuatorianos, peruanos, chilenos, argentinos y norteamericanos. No es difícil detectar desigualdades marcadas, sobre todo al comparar los países norteños con los del Cono Sur, que ponen en claro que falta sostener diálogos entre los especialistas de los diversos países y crear una base de datos más sólida, con el fin de avanzar en la formulación de problemáticas específicas y las posibilidades de su resolución.

Puntos de Venta

Informe de gestión 2012 del INPC PDF Print E-mail
Publications and issues
Written by INPC   
Saturday, 10 August 2013 12:13
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El Instituto Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural ha publicado su informe de gestión para el año 2012.

Leer "Informe de Gestión INPC 2012" en el portal del INPC
Descargar el informe [PDF]

Last Updated on Wednesday, 02 October 2013 10:12
A new editorial policy at Ñawpa Pacha PDF Print E-mail
Publications and issues
Written by Dan Sandweiss   
Monday, 03 June 2013 06:59

Jerry Moore sends this new editorial policy defining the difference between articles and the new category of research reports for Ñawpa Pacha. Our field will benefit from having the additional opportunities offered by Ñawpa Pacha for fast turnaround of recent discoveries. For the last several issues, Andean Past has been publishing research reports up to 2000 words in length and are editor-reviewed only, whereas articles have no strict length limit and are also peer-reviewed. Guidelines for AP research reports and articles are available from Monica Barnes This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Ñawpa Pacha announces a new editorial policy. Continuing its long-standing commitment to publish data-rich manuscripts on Andean archaeology, Ñawpa Pacha will now publish two classes of submissions: articles and reports. Articles are usually 8,000 – 10,000 words in length (including abstracts, text, tables, notes, acknowledgements, references cited) and are often extensively illustrated. Research reports are up to 2500 - 3000 words long, and with a maximum of 7 figures and 3 tables. Authors should identify in a cover letter whether their submissions are to be considered as an article or as a research report. The editor will make an initial determination if submissions are appropriate. Articles and research reports are peer-reviewed. For additional information or queries, please contact the journal editor, Jerry D. Moore, at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

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