Written by Comisión Organizadora del VII Coloquio de Estudiantes de Arqueología PUCP
Tuesday, 02 October 2012 05:40 |
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La especialidad de Arqueología de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú tiene el agrado de invitar a todas las personas interesadas a participar del VII Coloquio de Estudiantes de Arqueología, a realizarse el 7, 8 y 9 de noviembre de 2012.
Este evento, dirigido a estudiantes universitarios o bachilleres con un máximo de 2 años de egreso tanto nacionales como internacionales. Tiene como finalidad ofrecer un espacio académico para que los propios estudiantes puedan presentar temas de investigación.
Los estudiantes que estén interesados en participar como ponentes de este VII Coloquio de Estudiantes de Arqueología deberán presentar los resúmenes de sus ponencias, tomando en cuenta las siguientes bases:
La exposición de la ponencia no debe exceder los 20 minutos.
La ponencia puede ser presentada en forma individual o grupal, hasta un máximo de 4 autores; sin embargo, la exposición será realizada por un máximo de 2 personas.
Los temas a desarrollar son libres, incluso pueden ser interdisciplinarios; sin embargo, deben brindar un aporte a la arqueología.
Las ponencias que incluyan algún tipo de información que se encuentre dentro del marco de un proyecto arqueológico deberán entregar (conjuntamente al resumen) una carta de autorización firmada por el director del proyecto.
Se deberá descargar la ficha en http://blog.pucp.edu.pe/media/avatar/1080.pdf, llenarla y reenviarla correo electrónica de contacto. Junto con la ficha, se deberá enviar una copia virtual con los datos personales del(los) autor(es) y un resumen de aproximadamente 500 palabras.
Los datos personal del(los) autor(es) deben especificar nombre completo, dirección, teléfono, correo electrónico, universidad, carrera y nivel académico cursado (año cursado o año de egreso).
Los resúmenes serán evaluados por un jurado bajo los siguientes criterios:
- Originalidad
- Análisis
- Conclusiones
- Bibliografía
Los resúmenes que no sean aceptados serán devueltos con comentarios. Las ponencias aceptadas serán agrupadas en mesas de diálogo, donde serán comentadas por un profesor luego de su exposición.
Las ponencias podrán ser enviadas para su evaluación hasta el viernes 5 de octubre de 2012.
Asistencia: El ingreso es libre, previa inscripción. Certificación: Se entregará certificado a los ponentes y a quienes cumplan con un 75% de asistencia. Lugar: Campus de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Auditorio de Humanidades. Contacto:
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Facebook: www.facebook.com/coloquiodearqueologia Blog: blog.pucp.edu.pe/blog/coloquiodearqueologia
Atentamente, Comisión Organizadora del VII Coloquio de Estudiantes de Arqueología PUCP
Written by Eva Lemonnier
Monday, 01 October 2012 06:12 |
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Bonjour à tous,
Le conservateur du Musée des Jacobins, à Auch, organise un cycle de conférences de grande qualité sur l'histoire des sociétés anciennes.
Il recherche un (ou deux ?) intervenant(s) pour illustrer l'"Archéologie de l'Amérique centrale" et l'"Archéologie d'Équateur et de Colombie", les 13 et 20 mai 2013 (voir plaquette en pièce jointe).
Merci de diffuser l'information et, pour les intéressés, de prendre contact directement avec le conservateur, M. Ferrer-Joly :
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Bien à vous. Eva Lemonnier.
Télécharger la plaquette d'information [PDF]
Written by Sandra Carrión Torres
Monday, 01 October 2012 06:06 |
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Estimados señores arqueologos :
Reciban un cordial saludo, Adjunto a la presente una invitación a la conferencia: Cambio climático y cambio sociocultural entre las sociedades complejas de Venezuela, del conferencista Dr. Rafael Gasson, a realizarse el día miércoles 03 de octubre del presente, en el auditorio Manuel de Guzmán Polanco de la Academia Nacional de Historia, a partir de las 18h00 (av. 6 de Diciembre 21-218 y Ramón Roca, esq.)
Esperamos contar con su valiosa presencia.
Saludos cordiales,
Sandra Carrión Torres Secretaria academia 2556-022 ext.200
Written by Bruce Owen
Friday, 21 September 2012 01:50 |
The Institute of Andean Studies announces its 53rd annual meeting, to be held on Friday and Saturday, January 11-12, 2013, at the University of California, Berkeley, Room 112, Wurster Hall. Members, non-members, and students are all welcome, both to attend and to present papers and posters.
Call for papers and posters: 21 papers and an unspecified number of posters will be accepted. Topics are limited to Andean archaeology and closely related subjects. Papers are scheduled for 30 minutes, including time for discussion. To submit a paper or poster, please send title, author(s) and institutional affiliation(s), and an abstract of up to 100 words to the Program Chair, Dr. Matt Sayre, by email to
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, or by post to Dr. Matt Sayre, 326 East Hall- USD, 414 E. Clark St., Vermillion SD, 57069, U.S.A.
Submission deadline: The deadline for abstracts is Monday, October 15, 2012. Paper and poster submissions will be reviewed by a committee of the Institute’s Directors, officers, and a Program Consultant. Notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent by November 5, 2012.
Registration fee: $40.00 (students $10.00) until January 1, 2013; thereafter, including at the meeting, $60.00 (students $20.00). Registration fees are submitted separately from papers. Registration fees apply to all attendees, including paper and poster presenters. Registration fees may be paid by check to
Institute of Andean Studies P.O. Box 9307 Berkeley, CA 94709 U.S.A.
or by credit card on the IAS website at http://www.instituteofandeanstudies.org/meetings.html. Online payments are handled by PayPal, which accepts many non-US currencies, albeit none from Andean countries. Those who need a letter of invitation to solicit travel funds from their institution should contact the Secretary, Dr. Bruce Owen, by post at the address above, or by email at
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Information about accommodations, parking, and other details are available at the Institute’s website,
Hoping to see you in January,
Bruce Owen Secretary and Treasurer Institute of Andean Studies P.O. Box 9307 Berkeley, CA 94709 U.S.A. http://www.instituteofandeanstudies.org
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Written by Tiffiny A. Tung
Thursday, 20 September 2012 18:31 |
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Dear Andeanists, There are several Andean archaeology papers and posters at the Archaeological Sciences of the Americas Symposium, to be held at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, October 5-6, 2012. See the Program Schedule and Book of Abstracts at the following web links.
http://www.vanderbilt.edu/anthro/asas2012/program_schedule http://www.vanderbilt.edu/anthro/asas2012/abstracts
Also, Dr. Ryan Williams will give the Keynote Lecture on Saturday, Oct. 6, 6:45pm. Open to the public. Migration, Trade and Human-Environment Interactions through the lens of Archaeological Science
We look forward to seeing you here in Nashville!
Register online: http://www.vanderbilt.edu/anthro/asas2012/registration
Abstract for Dr. William's lecture:
Ryan Williams draws on two decades of archaeological field research in the Andes to address the role archaeological science has played in our understanding of the Ancient American past. He illustrates how the expansion of scientific techniques in archaeology have revolutionized the way we address questions of critical importance to society. Among the most important of those questions are how has urban migration changed society, what creates stable trading systems conducive to economic growth, and how does society's impact on the environment affect long term vulnerability. Williams' collaborative and interdisciplinary research on these topics, especially his work on the Wari and Tiwanaku (600-1000 AD) frontier in Peru and Bolivia, provides a number of rich examples of the ways in which geophysical prospection, compositional analysis, and geographic models are creating a more nuanced archaeology. Williams argues that the marriage of science and archaeology is building a more accurate and more relevant view of our past and our future.
Tiffiny A. Tung, Associate Professor Department of Anthropology
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Written by María Elena Del Solar
Wednesday, 12 September 2012 13:10 |
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El Encuentro de tejedores de las Américas 2012 se realizará en Cusco, octubre 1 a 5, es un homenaje a tejedores y tejedoras americanos como portadores de tradiciones, un reconocimiento a su aporte anónimo como fuente de estudio del textil así como inspiración para el desarrollo del diseño, entre mucho más.
Más información se encuentra en: http://www.encuentrodetejedorescusco.com/
Saludos desde Cusco,
María Elena
Written by Dan Sandweiss
Wednesday, 12 September 2012 13:01 |
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The Dumbarton Oaks, Pre-Columbian Studies symposium The Measure and Meaning of Time in the Americas, organized by Anthony Aveni (Colgate University), will be held at Dumbarton Oaks on October 5th-6th.
The symposium Sign and Design: Script as Image in a Cross-Cultural Perspective (300 - 1600 CE) is organized by Brigitte Bedos-Rezak (New York University) and Jeffrey F. Hamburger (Harvard University), and will be held October 12-14.
For information on both events, please visit www.doaks.org
THE MEASURE AND MEANING OF TIME IN THE AMERICAS October 5-6, 2012, Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, D.C.
Dumbarton Oaks is pleased to announce the annual Pre-Columbian symposium, to be held in the Music Room of Dumbarton Oaks in Washington, D.C., on Friday, October 5th and Saturday, October 6th, 2012. Please note that the symposium will be two full days: sessions will begin at 9 am on Friday, and conclude Saturday evening.
Regardless of what our senses might tell us, in the Western worldview time is regarded as a thing apart, the mere measure of duration, a metric quantity that is continuous, homogeneous, and unchangeable. But like so many concepts we engage in the study of other cultures, time can possess a variety of essences and meanings. This symposium brings together a group of scholars from diverse disciplines and interdisciplines to engage in a dialog regarding the multitude of expressions and understandings of temporal existence in the Mesoamerican and Andean worlds. We deal with questions such as: Are the differences we recognize between history and myth transferrable to these cultures? How does one comprehend time in relation to the transcendent? How is time manifested in ritual as well as in the land/skyscape in which it is practiced? How is time expressed in text and imagery? What is the relation between time and number? And what do we know about how indigenous ways of dealing with time changed, especially following the sudden contact with the Spanish invader? An added dimension to the symposium is concerned with comparing time’s meaning not only with that in Western tradition but also in other world cultures.
The symposium is organized with Anthony Aveni (Colgate University). Symposium speakers include Alfredo López Austin (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México), William Barnes (University of St. Thomas, Minnesota), Harvey Bricker (Tulane University), Victoria Bricker (Tulane University), Linda Brown (George Washington University), Jahl Dulanto (DePauw University), Markus Eberl (Vanderbilt University), Richard Landes (Boston University), John Monaghan (University of Illinois at Chicago), Stella Nair (University of California, Los Angeles), Juan Ossio (Universidad Pontificia Católica del Peru), and Tristan Platt (University of St. Andrews).
Space for this event is limited, and registration will be handled on a first come, first served basis. For further information, including preliminary abstracts, please visit our website (www.doaks.org) or contact the Pre-Columbian Studies Program at Dumbarton Oaks (
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, 202-339-6440).
Written by Nico Tripcevich
Tuesday, 11 September 2012 11:30 |
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The Andeanist community may be interested to hear about the upcoming double-session on Andean pastoralism that we´ve organized for the American Anthropological Association meetings in San Francisco in November this year. The schedule, according to the preliminary program, is pasted below. Abstracts aren't linked on the AAA website yet but it looks like clicking on the titles below will link to abstracts as the conference approaches. We hope people can make it to San Francisco!
Best regards, Nico and José
RECENT ANTHROPOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES ON PAST AND PRESENT ANDEAN PASTORALISM (PART 1) http://aaa.confex.com/aaa/2012/webprogrampreliminary/Session6318.html
Saturday, November 17, 2012: 1:45 PM-5:30 PM Organizers: Jose M Capriles Flores (University of Pittsburgh) and Nicholas Tripcevich (University of California - Berkeley) Chairs: Jose M Capriles Flores (University of Pittsburgh) Discussants: David L Browman (Washington University in St. Louis) and Mark Aldenderfer (University of California - Merced)
1:45 PM A Comparative Perspective On the Development of Pastoralism In the Andes and Northeast Africa, Jose M. Capriles Flores (University of Pittsburgh) and Fiona B Marshall (Washington University in St. Louis)
2:00 PM Ancestors and Animal Herds: Evidence of Funerary Architecture Associated with Corrals From Late Prehispanic Sites In the Ricrán Valley, Central Perú, Manuel Perales (Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú)
2:15 PM Our Most Precious Gift: The Camelid Sacrifices of Santa Rita B, Chao Valley, N Coastal Perú, Jonathan D. Kent (Metropolitan State University of Denver), Teresa Rosales Tham (Universidad Nacional de La Libertad), Victor Vasquez Sanchez (Centro de Investigaciones Arqueobiológicas y Paleoecológicas Andinas (ARQUEOBIOS)), Catherine Gaither (Metropolitan State College of Denver) and Jonathan D Bethard (Boston University School of Medicine)
2:30 PM Camelids As Social Intermediaries: Suprahousehold and Ritual Practices of the Formative Period, North Titicaca Basin, Matthew Christopher Warwick (University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee)
2:45 PM Llamas In the City: Urban Herding At the Ancient Andean Center of Tiwanaku, Bolivia (AD. 600-1100), Claudine Vallieres (University of Florida)
3:00 PM Camelids Through Time In Southern Peru, Susan D deFrance (University of Florida)
3:15 PM Break
3:30 PM Gifts From the Camelids: Archaeobotanical Insights Into Camelid Pastoralism Through Dung Studies Maria C Bruno (Dickinson College) and Christine Hastorf (University of California - Berkeley)
3:45 PM Camelid Fodder, Human Food, and Pastoralist Perspectives In the Paleoethnobotanical Record: Unraveling Wankarani Plant Economies From Formative Period, Bolivia, BrieAnna Sylvia Langlie (Washington University in St. Louis)
4:00 PM Crossing the Western Altiplano: Tiwanaku Routes, Pasture, and Camelid Transport, Patrick Ryan Williams (Field Museum of Natural History) and Benjamin Vining (Boston University)
4:15 PM Time, Landscape, and Caravan Mobility, Nicholas Tripcevich (University of California - Berkeley)
4:30 PM The Ritual Constitution of PLACE Among South Andean Pastoralists, Axel Emil Nielsen (CONICET)
4:45 PM The Territorial Practices of the Pastoral Andean Communities of Southern Peru In the Context of Climate Change, Gustavo Valdivia (Columbia University) and Xavier Ricard (Université de la Sorbonne nouvelle – Paris III)
5:00 PM Discussant, David L Browman (Washington University in St. Louis)
5:15 PM Discussant, Mark Aldenderfer (University of California - Merced)
RECENT ANTHROPOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES ON PAST AND PRESENT ANDEAN PASTORALISM (PART 2) http://aaa.confex.com/aaa/2012/webprogrampreliminary/Session6809.html
Sunday, November 18, 2012: 8:00 AM-11:45 AM Organizers: Nicholas Tripcevich (University of California - Berkeley) and Jose M Capriles Flores (University of Pittsburgh) Chairs: Nicholas Tripcevich (University of California - Berkeley) Discussants: Lisa B Markowitz (University of Louisville) and David L Browman (Washington University in St. Louis)
8:00 AM Camelid Management Practices On the Prehispanic North Coast of Peru, Paul Szpak (University of Western Ontario and University of Western Ontario), Christine White (University of Western Ontario), Jean-François Millaire (University of Western Ontario) and Fred J Longstaffe (University of Western Ontario)
8:15 AM Offering Lamas to the Sea: The Economic and Ideological Importance of Camelids In Chimu Society, North Coast of Peru, Nicolas Goepfert (CNRS - Paris 1, UMR 8096 Archéologie des Amériques) and Oscar Gabriel Prieto (Yale University)
8:45 AM Caravans In Imperial Context: The Role of Camelid Caravans During the Middle Horizon In Peru, Silvana A Rosenfeld (University of South Dakota)
9:00 AM Pastoral Intensification, Social Fissioning, and Ties to State Economies At the Formative - Middle Horizon Transition In the Lake Suches Basin, Peru, Benjamin Vining (Boston University)
9:15 AM Andean Pastoralism and Its Effect On Economic and Social Stability In the Andes, Lawrence A Kuznar (Indiana University-Purdue University)
9:30 AM Early Domesticated Camelids In the Andes, Katherine M Moore (University of Pennsylvania Museum)
9:45 AM Break
10:00 AM Population Growth and Migration: Challenges for Rangeland Management by Altiplano Pastoralists, Cecilia Turin (Rural Sociology. University of Missouri and Department of Rural Sociology. University of Missouri) and Corinne Valdivia (Agricultural Economics. University of Missouri)
10:15 AM Transforming Andean Pastoral Traditions: New Challenges and Opportunities for Camelid Management, Karina Yager (NASA/ORAU and NASA/GSFC)
10:30 AM Discussant, Lisa B Markowitz (University of Louisville)
10:45 AM Discussant, David L Browman (Washington University in St. Louis)
Written by Bill Sillar
Tuesday, 11 September 2012 05:46 |
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Dear All,
The next South American Archaeology Seminar in London will be on Saturday 1st of December, please let me know if you would like to give a presentation (paper titles and short abstracts will be circulated around the end of October).
Also, George Lau wishes to draw your attention to the excellent opportunity of a visiting fellowship at The Sainsbury Research Unit for the study of the arts of Africa, Oceania and the Americas at the University of East Anglia : http://www.sru.uea.ac.uk/fellowships-application.php
Best wishes, Bill
Dr. Bill Sillar Senior Lecturer Institute of Archaeology, University College London, 31-34 Gordon Square, London WC1H 0PY ENGLAND Ph: 44(0)20 7679 1538 Fax: 44(0)20 7383 2572
Last Updated on Tuesday, 11 September 2012 05:54 |
Written by Michel Rautenberg
Tuesday, 11 September 2012 05:42 |
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Le colloque « Les conceptions du patrimoine : regards croisés sur les patrimonialisations et leurs particularités » aura lieu les lundi 19 et mardi 20 novembre 2012 à l'Université Jean Monnet de Saint-Etienne.
Ce colloque privilégiera des approches comparatistes et l'analyse de tensions entre des conceptions patrimoniales dans des contextes territoriaux ou culturels diversifiés, du local au transnational (Afrique centrale, Afrique de l'ouest, Afrique du nord, Amérique du nord, Amérique du sud, Asie de l'est, Asie de l'ouest, Europe de l'est, Europe de l'ouest, Europe du sud).
Quatre grands thèmes repartiront les discussions :
- les différenciations linguistiques des conceptions patrimoniales ;
- les discordances entre des conceptions du patrimoine et des modes de gestion patrimoniale dans un milieu ;
- la transformation de la notion et des objets de patrimoine sur un territoire ou au sein d'une communauté ;
- la perméabilité ou l?imperméabilité des conceptions du patrimoine entretenues par des communautés culturelles en milieu urbain.
Vous trouverez sur le site internet du Centre Max Weber le programme des deux journées ainsi que le bulletin d'inscription à retourner avant le 31/10/12 : http://www.centre-max-weber.fr/Les-conceptions-du-patrimoine,84
Nous vous remercions par avance de diffuser l'information aux étudiants et aux enseignants.
Written by André Delpuech
Tuesday, 11 September 2012 05:16 |
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Cher(e)s collègues, Vous trouverez le programme du futur colloque "Le patrimoine archéologique et son droit : question juridiques, éthiques et culturelles" qui se tiendra au musée au quai Branly les 9 et 10 octobre prochains.
Télécharger le programme du colloque [PDF]
Bien à vous,
André Delpuech Conservateur en chef du patrimoine Responsable de l'unité patrimoniale des collections des Amériques Musée du quai Branly 222, rue de l'Université 75343 Paris Cedex 07 Tél. 33 (0)1 56 61 52 53 ou 70 09 Fax 33 (0)1 56 61 71 31
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Last Updated on Tuesday, 11 September 2012 05:36 |
Written by Jon Bethard
Tuesday, 11 September 2012 05:11 |
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The 31st Annual Northeast Conference on Andean Archaeology and Ethnohistory is less than two months away! Again, the conference will be hosted by Boston University October 19-21, 2012.
There is no cost to attend and updated information regarding registration, transportation, and hotels can be found by visiting the conference website: http://caralperu.typepad.com/ncaae/.
As a reminder, the abstract deadline for podium presentations is October 1, 2012 and can be submitted to Jon Bethard (
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Last Updated on Tuesday, 11 September 2012 05:13 |