Written by Gaëtan Juillard
Saturday, 09 February 2008 10:32 |
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El Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores del Ecuador edito, en el 2006, una serie de propuestas referentes al plan nacional de política exterior del país para 2006 - 2020. Dentro de esta publicación, destacamos temas de cultura como la proyección multicultural del Ecuador por Fernando García, Fernando Sarango, Alexandra Martínez y Juan Carlos Ocles; la promoción cultural del Ecuador y, prioritariamente, la protección del patrimonio nacional enfocada a través de la protección de los bienes materiales, por Francisco Valdez comentado por Carmen Rosa Ponce, y la de los bienes inmateriales y la diversidad cultural por Andrés Abad. Descargar el libro Cultura, Emigración y Política Exterior: Planex 2020 en [ PDF].
Last Updated on Tuesday, 15 September 2009 06:48 |
Written by Gaëtan Juillard
Wednesday, 30 January 2008 01:00 |
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Publicamos a continuación la Aprobación del Colegio de Profesionales Arqueologos del Ecuador. El documento esta publicado por cortesia del Estudio de abogados BERMEO – EGUIGUREN & RAMÍREZ (
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Written by Gaëtan Juillard
Sunday, 25 November 2007 18:04 |
The General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, meeting in Paris from 15 October to 3 November 2001, at its 31st session,
Acknowledging the importance of underwater cultural heritage as an integral part of the cultural heritage of humanity and a particularly important element in the history of peoples, nations, and their relations with each other concerning their common heritage,
Realizing the importance of protecting and preserving the underwater cultural heritage and that responsibility therefor rests with all States,
Noting growing public interest in and public appreciation of underwater cultural heritage,
Convinced of the importance of research, information and education to the protection and preservation of underwater cultural heritage,
Convinced of the public’s right to enjoy the educational and recreational benefits of responsible non-intrusive access to in situ underwater cultural heritage, and of the value of public education to contribute to awareness, appreciation and protection of that heritage,
Aware of the fact that underwater cultural heritage is threatened by unauthorized activities directed at it, and of the need for stronger measures to prevent such activities,
Conscious of the need to respond appropriately to the possible negative impact on underwater cultural heritage of legitimate activities that may incidentally affect it,
Deeply concerned by the increasing commercial exploitation of underwater cultural heritage, and in particular by certain activities aimed at the sale, acquisition or barter of underwater cultural heritage,
Aware of the availability of advanced technology that enhances discovery of and access to underwater cultural heritage,
Believing that cooperation among States, international organizations, scientific institutions, professional organizations, archaeologists, divers, other interested parties and the public at large is essential for the protection of underwater cultural heritage,
Considering that survey, excavation and protection of underwater cultural heritage necessitate the availability and application of special scientific methods and the use of suitable techniques and equipment as well as a high degree of professional specialization, all of which indicate a need for uniform governing criteria,
Realizing the need to codify and progressively develop rules relating to the protection and preservation of underwater cultural heritage in conformity with international law and practice, including the UNESCO Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property of 14 November 1970, the UNESCO Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage of 16 November 1972 and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982,
Committed to improving the effectiveness of measures at international, regional and national levels for the preservation in situ or, if necessary for scientific or protective purposes, the careful recovery of underwater cultural heritage,
Having decided at its twenty-ninth session that this question should be made the subject of an international convention,
Adopts this second day of November 2001 this Convention.
Written by Gaëtan Juillard
Tuesday, 13 November 2007 16:32 |
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Registro Oficial Nº 208 No. 014- DNPC-2006
Considerando: Que, es el Instituto Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural, creado mediante decreto supremo 2600 de 9 de junio de 1978, promulgado en el Registro Oficial No. 618 de 29 de junio de 1978, es la institución del sector público que tiene entre sus funciones y atribuciones la de investigar, conservar, preservar, restaurar, exhibir y promocionar el Patrimonio Cultural en el Ecuador; así como regular de acuerdo a la ley todas las actividades de esta naturaleza que se realicen en el país;
Que, el Instituto Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural, tiene su marco legal en la Ley de Patrimonio Cultural, expedida mediante Decreto Supremo No. 3501 de 19 de junio de 1979, promulgada en el Registro Oficial No. 865 de 2 de julio de 1979 y en el Reglamento General de la Ley de Patrimonio Cultural expedido mediante Decreto Ejecutivo No. 2733 de 9 de julio de 1984 y promulgado en el Registro Oficial No. 787 de 16 de julio de 1984; y,
En uso de las atribuciones que le confiere el artículo 3, literal f) del Reglamento General de la Ley de Patrimonio Cultural,
Resuelve: Expedir el Reglamento de Sesiones del Directorio del Instituto Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural, al tenor de los siguientes artículos.
Written by Gaëtan Juillard
Monday, 12 November 2007 19:03 |
H. NATIONAL CONGRESS THE COMMISSION OF LEGISLATION AND CODIFICATION IT RESOLVES TO SEND: CODIFICATION OF THE LAW OF CULTURAL HERITAGE CODIFICATION 2004 - 027 This Codification was prepared by the Commission of Legislation and Codification, in accordance with the arranged in the number 2 of the Art. 139 of the Political Constitution of the Republic. Art. 1.-By means of Decree Not. 2600 of June 9, 1978, published in the Official Record Not. 618 of 29 of same month and year, created to himself the Institute of Cultural heritage with personería juridical, assigned to the House of the Ecuadoran Culture, which it replaces to the Direction of Artistic Patrimony and it will be financed by the resources that annually will consist in the Budget of the National Government, across the Chapter corresponding to the Culture and Education Department. Art. 2.-The National Institute of Cultural heritage is content for: the Directory, the National Direction, the Subdepartments and other technical and administrative units that will consist in the respective Regulation. It is a function of the Directory to dictate and to approve the Organic Functional Regulation. The Directory is content of the following members: The Education Secretary and Culture or his Delegate, who will preside at it; The National Minister of Defence or his Delegate; The Minister of Government, Worships, Police officer and Municipalities or his Delegate; The President of the Episcopal Ecuadoran Conference or his Delegate; The President of the House of the Ecuadoran Culture or his Delegate; The Director of Cultural heritage; and, The President of the National Council of Higher education, CONESUP or his Delegate. Born secretary of this Organism is the Secretary of the National Institute of Cultural heritage.
Written by Gaëtan Juillard
Friday, 09 November 2007 01:00 |
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Registro Oficial Nº 208 No. 012-DNPC-06
Considerando: Que mediante resolución del Tribunal Constitucional, publicada en Registro Oficial No. 130 de 22 de julio del 2003, declara la inconstitucionalidad por el fondo, de la frase “de tasas” constante en el artículo innumerado agregado a continuación del artículo 17 de la Ley de Modernización del Estado, Privatizaciones y Prestación de Servicios Públicos por parte de la Iniciativa Privada, incorporando mediante el Art. 11 de la Ley para la Promoción de la Inversión y Participación Ciudadana;
Que el Art. 17.1 de la Ley de Modernización del Estado, Privatizaciones y Prestación de Servicios Públicos determina que “Las instituciones del Estado podrán establecer el pago por los servicios de control, inspecciones, autorizaciones, permisos, licencias y otros de similar naturaleza, a fin de recuperar los costos en los que incurrieren para este propósito.”;
Que el artículo 2 de la Ley de Defensa del Consumidor, publicada en el Registro Oficial No. 116 de 10 de julio del 2000, al definir proveedor, faculta a los organismos públicos fijar los derechos por los servicios prestados;
Que la norma técnica de control interno No. 138-1 establecida en el acuerdo 017-CG, expedido por la Contraloría General del Estado, el 11 de abril de 1994, establece la obligación del Estado de recuperar los costos que demanda la prestación de los servicios públicos en general, incluidos aquellos actos administrativos generados de ingresos de carácter no tributario;
Que es necesario normar un régimen general de autogestión financiera del Instituto Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural, por los servicios que proporciona, de manera que se apliquen criterios únicos, homogéneos y equitativos;
Que el artículo 70 de la Ley de Presupuesto del Sector Público se refiere a la responsabilidad presupuestaria, disponiendo que la máxima autoridad y los funcionarios que manejan los presupuestos de las entidades y organismos referidos en el artículo 2 de la presente ley, serán responsables por la administración de sus presupuestos;
Que de conformidad a lo dispuesto en el artículo 6 del Reglamento General de la Ley de Patrimonio Cultural… “El Instituto Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural prestará asistencia técnica a las instituciones de derecho publico o privado, a personas jurídicas de derecho publico y privado, y a personas naturales para la investigación, conservación, restauración, recuperación, acrecentamiento exhibición inventario o revalorización de bienes perteneciente a patrimonio cultural de la nación”;
Que en los literales a), d) y e) del Art. 77 y Art. 9 de la Ley Orgánica de la Contraloría General del Estado se establece que las máximas autoridades, titulares y responsables de las instituciones del Estado, son responsables de los actos, contratos o resoluciones emanados de su autoridad. Además de dirigir y asegurar la implantación, funcionamiento y actualización del sistema de control interno y de los sistemas de administración financiera, planificación, organización, información de recursos humanos, materiales, tecnológicos, ambientales y más sistemas administrativos;
Que para dirigir y asegurar la implantación, funcionamiento y actualización del sistema de control interno y de los sistemas de administración financiera, es necesario normar un régimen general de autogestión financiera del Instituto Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural por los servicios públicos que presta, de manera que se apliquen criterios únicos, homogéneos y equitativos; en forma actualizada, acorde a las normas vigentes y a la realidad económica del país;
Que el Instituto Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural, a través de la Dirección Nacional y las subdirecciones regionales propenderán a autofinanciar sus programas, proyectos, equipamientos y en general el fortalecimiento institucional, recuperando el costo de la inversión de las actividades que por ley realiza mediante el cobro por estos servicios, a personas naturales o jurídicas de derecho público o privado; y,
En uso de sus atribuciones determinadas en el artículo 3 de la Ley de Patrimonio Cultural y literal f) del Art. 3 del Reglamento General de la Ley de Patrimonio Cultural,
Resuelve: Sustituir el Reglamento de Autogestión Financiera para los Servicios del Instituto Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural.
Last Updated on Wednesday, 05 December 2007 09:55 |
Written by Gaëtan Juillard
Wednesday, 26 September 2007 21:02 |
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Registro Oficial Nº 178
Considerando: Que la Ley Orgánica de Servicio Civil y Carrera Administrativa y Unificación y Homologación de las Remuneraciones del Sector Público establece en el literal b) del artículo 92 los cargos que son de libre nombramiento y remoción, entre los cuales constan, entre otros, los titulares y segundas autoridades de las instituciones del Estado y los directores de las instituciones del Estado;
Que el artículo 93 de la mencionada ley establece que las autoridades nominadoras pueden remover libremente a los servidores públicos que ocupen los puestos señalados en el literal b) del artículo 92 de la referida ley;
Que el artículo 5 del Reglamento General a la Ley de Patrimonio Cultural establece que el Director del Instituto Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural, durará en sus funciones 4 años, lo cual, en virtud de lo expresado anteriormente, contraria la Ley Orgánica de Servicio Civil y Carrera Administrativa y Unificación y Homologación de las Remuneraciones del Sector Público, en el sentido de que los directores y segundas autoridades son funcionarios de libre nombramiento y remoción; y,
En uso de la facultad establecida en el artículo 171, 5 de la Constitución Política de la República, en concordancia con el artículo 11 literal f) del Estatuto del Régimen Jurídico y Administrativo de la Función Ejecutiva,
Decreta: La siguiente reforma al Reglamento General a la Ley de Patrimonio Cultural.
Last Updated on Tuesday, 02 October 2007 21:12 |
Written by Gaëtan Juillard
Sunday, 10 June 2007 20:26 |
Full title: Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property
The General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, meeting in Paris from 12 October to 14 November 1970, at its sixteenth session,
Recalling the importance of the provisions contained in the Declaration of the Principles of International Cultural Co-operation, adopted by the General Conference at its fourteenth session,
Considering that the interchange of cultural property among nations for scientific, cultural and educational purposes increases the knowledge of the civilization of Man, enriches the cultural life of all peoples and inspires mutual respect and appreciation among nations,
Considering that cultural property constitutes one of the basic elements of civilization and national culture, and that its true value can be appreciated only in relation to the fullest possible information regarding is origin, history and traditional setting,
Considering that it is incumbent upon every State to protect the cultural property existing within its territory against the dangers of theft, clandestine excavation, and illicit export,
Considering that, to avert these dangers, it is essential for every State to become increasingly alive to the moral obligations to respect its own cultural heritage and that of all nations,
Considering that, as cultural institutions, museums, libraries and archives should ensure that their collections are built up in accordance with universally recognized moral principles,
Considering that the illicit import, export and transfer of ownership of cultural property is an obstacle to that understanding between nations which it is part of UNESCO’s mission to promote by recommending to interested States, international conventions to this end,
Considering that the protection of cultural heritage can be effective only if organized both nationally and internationally among States working in close co-operation,
Considering that the UNESCO General Conference adopted a Recommendation to this effect in 1964,
Having before It further proposals on the means of prohibiting and preventing the illicit import, export and transfer of ownership of cultural property, a question which is on the agenda for the session as item 19,
Having decided, at its fifteenth session, that this question should be made the subject of an international convention,
Adopts this Convention on the fourteenth day of November 1970.
Written by Gaëtan Juillard
Sunday, 10 June 2007 19:11 |
Full title: Recommendation on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Export, Import and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property
The General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, meeting in Paris from 20 October to 20 November 1964, at its thirteenth session,
Being of the opinion that cultural property constitutes a basic element of civilization and national culture, and that familiarity with it leads to understanding and mutual appreciation between nations,
Considering that it is incumbent upon every State to protect the cultural property existing within its territorv and which constitutes its national heritage against- the dangers resulting from illicit export, import and transfer of ownership,
Considering that, to avert these dangers, it is essential for every Member Statee to become increasingly alive to the moral obligations to respect its own cultural heritage and that of all nations,
Considering that the objectives. in view cannot be achieved without close collaboration among Member States.
Convinced that steps should be taken to encourage the adoption of appropriate measures and to improve the climate of international solidarity without which the objectives in view would not be attained,
Having before It proposals for international regulations to prohibit and prevent the illicit export, import and transfer of ownership of cultural property, which constitutes item 15.3.3 on the agenda of the session,
Having decided, at its twelfth session, that these proposals should be regulated at the international level by way of a recommendation to Member States, while expressing the hope that an international convention may be adopted as soon as possible,
Adopts, this nineteenth day of November 1964, this recommendation.
Last Updated on Sunday, 10 June 2007 19:23 |
Written by Gaëtan Juillard
Tuesday, 05 June 2007 13:07 |
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CONSIDERANDO: QUE el Art. 4 literal a) de la Ley de Patrimonio Cultural, el Instituto Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural tiene entre sus funciones y atribuciones, investigar, conservar, preservar, exhibir, y promocionar el Patrimonio Cultural en el Ecuador; así como regular de acuerdo a la Ley todas las actividades de esta naturaleza que se realicen en el país.
QUE de acuerdo al Art. 66 del Reglamento a la Ley de Patrimonio Cultural, dispone que todo material arqueológico procedente de excavación será inventariado por un funcionario del Instituto Nacional del Subproceso correspondiente.
QUE el Art. 9 de la Ley de Patrimonio Cultural manda a salvaguardar los bienes arqueológicos, que son de dominio exclusivo del Estado ecuatoriano, cuyo derecho se ejercitará a través del Instituto Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural, el cual podrá retenerlos para usos culturales, con fines investigativos, de exhibición, entre otros.
QUE es necesario que se establezca un procedimiento interno para la Custodia, Bodegaje y Clasificación del material arqueológico, a fin de regular el destino de los materiales diagnósticos y no diagnósticos provenientes de investigaciones u otras circunstancias; y,
En uso de las atribuciones que le confiere el Art. 3 de la Ley de Patrimonio Cultural, Art. 5 literal a) del Reglamento General de la Ley de Patrimonio Cultural; y, Art. 7 literal J) del Estatuto Orgánico por procesos del Instituto Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural.
RESUELVE: Expedir el siguiente Instructivo para la custodia, bodegaje y clasificación del material arqueológico:
Last Updated on Friday, 21 September 2012 03:56 |
Written by Catherine Lara
Friday, 01 June 2007 22:23 |
Text ratified by the 11th ICOMOS General Assembly, held in Sofia, Bulgaria, from 5 to 9 October 1996
As the cultural heritage is a unique expression of human achievement; and as this cultural heritage is continuously at risk; and as recording is one of the principal ways available to give meaning, understanding, definition and recognition of the values of the cultural heritage; and as the responsibility for conserving and maintaining the cultural heritage rests not only with the owners but also with conservation specialists and the professionals, managers, politicians and administrators working at all levels of government, and with the public; and as article 16 of the Charter of Venice requires, it is essential that responsible organisations and individuals record the nature of the cultural heritage.
The purpose of this document is therefore to set out the principal reasons, responsibilities, planning measures, contents, management and sharing considerations for the recording of the cultural heritage.
Last Updated on Tuesday, 05 June 2007 00:54 |
Written by Gaëtan Juillard
Thursday, 31 May 2007 19:36 |
1. We, the experts assembled in Nara (Japan), wish to acknowledge the generous spirit and intellectual courage of the Japanese authorities in providing a timely forum in which we could challenge conventional thinking in the conservation field, and debate ways and means of broadening our horizons to bring greater respect for cultural and heritage diversity to conservation practice.
2. We also wish to acknowledge the value of the framework for discussion provided by the World Heritage Committee's desire to apply the test of authenticity in ways which accord full respect to the social and cultural values of all societies, in examining the outstanding universal value of cultural properties proposed for the World Heritage List.
3. The Nara Document on Authenticity is conceived in the spirit of the Charter of Venice, 1964, and builds on it and extends it in response to the expanding scope of cultural heritage concerns and interests in our contemporary world.
4. In a world that is increasingly subject to the forces of globalization and homogenization, and in a world in which the search for cultural identity is sometimes pursued through aggressive nationalism and the suppression of the cultures of minorities, the essential contribution made by the consideration of authenticity in conservation practice is to clarify and illuminate the collective memory of humanity.
Last Updated on Friday, 01 June 2007 23:05 |