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Written by Jerry D. Moore   
Monday, 03 January 2011 09:07

Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Lecture "From Campsite to Village to Town: The Origins of Settled Village Life in the Equatorial Andes — Recent Data, New Insights" por el Dr. Jerry D. Moore

The emergence of settled village life--frequently called "the Formative transition"--has been explored by archaeologists throughout the Americas. In South America, southwestern Ecuador has an extremely early archaeological record for the Formative transition, providing the principal framework for understanding the emergence of social complexity in the equatorial Andes. Recent excavations in the department of Tumbes, Perú, have documented markedly different Formative developments, coeval but distinct from those known in southwestern Ecuador, with significant variations in domestic architecture, public architecture, and settlement patterns. Recent data from Tumbes and adjacent regions of southern Ecuador are contributing to a major reassessment of the Formative transition in the equatorial Andes, a new perspective with implications for other regions in the Americas.

Date: 13 january 2011, 19:30
Place: Irvine Ranch Water District 15600 Sand Canyon Avenue (between the I-5 and I-405, next to the Post Office) Irvine, California

Last Updated on Monday, 03 January 2011 13:04

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