Mayo Chinchipe Complex Print
Written by Francisco Valdez   
Tuesday, 03 April 2007 14:17

The definition of this cultural complex is a process that one finds in march and that prepares based on the works of investigation of the Project Zamora Chinchipe (agreement INPC/IRD) in the province of the same name, located in the south oriental end of the Ecuador.

The Complex Mayo Chinchipe is defined based on the components of material culture (ceramic, lithics, etc.) and of social practices (occupation of the space, spheres of interaction, use of prime exotic materials, etc.) that are identified in the hydrographic basin of the river Mayo Chinchipe. The complex composes of sets (ceramic, lithics etc.) that could have been identified in a certain territory and that correspond to a temporary specific duration. A series of sets can define a cultural phase with his respective duration in the time and his territorial expansion.

Up to the moment the Complex Mayo Chinchipe is located in the Formative period, spreading from the Early one up to the Late one (3000/300 B.C.).

His pottery has up to the date the following complexes, locus of identification and dates C14:

  • Mayo Chinchipe – SALF (3000 / 2000 B.C.);
  • Tacana – Isimanchi (2000 / 300 B.C.)

Last Updated on Monday, 14 September 2009 04:40