Charter of Syracuse on Biodiversity Print
Written by Gaëtan Juillard   
Monday, 27 April 2009 13:29

Us, the Ministres of Environnement of G8, with the Ministres from Australie, Brazil, China, the Republic Czech and Sweden as actual Chairwomen and to come from the European Union, as well as those of Egypt, India, Mexico, the Republic of Korea, Southern Africa and the International Organizations participating at the top of Syracuse:

I-Acknowledging the importance of the question of biodiversity as being an essential party of debates of G8, and based on Initiative Postdam " and « the Call of Kobe for an Action for Biodiversity »;

II - Acknowledging the importance of an objective for 2010, also iterated during the summits of G8 of Heiligendamm and Hokkaido Toyako, and hoping support this interest for biodiversity during the Summit of Maddalena and during the following;

III - Being entirely aware of the key role which play biodiversity and services returned in the community by ecosystems in the ease of the individuals and in the realization of the Objectives of the Millennium for Development;

IV - Being devoted to the three objectives of Convention on Biological Diversity;

V-Being very anxious due to the fact that the loss of biodiversity and its consequences for ecosystems affect food security and means in water, and reduce the capacity of the biodiversity to be slowed down and to fit to climatic change, while minimizing worldwide economic development;

VI - Acknowledging substantial efforts accomplished to reach target 2010;

VII - Reminding the Plan of Application of the World summit on Worldwide Development, by noting that efforts to reduce in a significant way the actual rate of loss of biological biodiversity will require the supply of additional financial and technical means for developing countries;

VIII - Acknowledging the need urgent to support and to reinforce measurements aiming at the identification of a frame of common post job on ambitious and accomplishable 2010 on biodiversity, implicating all actors and appropriate stockholders, and based on lessons drawn by objective 2010;

IX - Determining informal debates of the Working party of high level on the Future of Worldwide Objectives for Biodiversity, called by the actual presidency of Convention on Biological Diversity in Bonn in march 2009;

X-Aware of importance and commitment to use at best the opportunity which represents the celebration of the International Year of Biodiversity and the Summit Of High Level of the General meeting of United Nations on Biodiversity in 2010, which allow to underline so the key role of biodiversity in international politics;

XI - Persuading of the necessity of the accomplishment of the process of mechanisms of exploration aiming at ameliorating interface science-policy for biodiversity and ecosystems;

XII - Enlisted men to make investments in biodiversity, these last being a driving force to overcome economic crisis, to promote the job creation and to generate economic benefits on long term;

XIII - Persuading of the necessity to ameliorate the understanding of benefits coming from biodiversity and ecosystems, from expenses drawn away by the loss of biodiversity, as well as from the necessity to identify efficient political options for conservation and lasting use of biodiversity and to guarantee the resistance of ecosystems; Let us decide to take following measures:

1- The development of synergic policies taking into account the contribution of biodiversity and services returned by ecosystems in adaptation and limitation of climatic change at local, national and worldwide levels, and acknowledging that biodiversity and services returned by ecosystems are essential to regulate our climate.

2-The installation of measurements of adaptation to climatic change for the controlled and natural ecosystems as much as unprompted adaptation should not be sufficient to reduce impact on biodiversity to all levels, that it is on the vulnerable ecosystems or for the ease of the community.

3-The research of a better understanding of the role of communities and services returned by ecosystems in the measurements of adaptation to climatic change, in perspective to augment their capacity of resistance and adaptation, and to generate additional economic benefits. 4-The implementation of measurements of conservation and lasting use of biodiversity, in perspective to ameliorate the adaptation to climatic change in priority areas, such as the management of water, forests, agriculture, coastal and marine zones, and the development of facilities, which consists of the use of new technologies, and a particular attention to support ecosystems. 5-The conflict against illegal deforestation, in keeping with a consistent legislation, including by means of a support for the lasting management of forests, which will allow to help the men to keep means to survive, to keep and to use in a lasting way biodiversity, and to augment the use of the technology of sequestration of carbon dioxide. 6-The development of approaches of limitation of climatic change based on the earth, such as the Reduction of Programs from Deforestation and the Deterioration of Forests (REDD program), while promoting the conservation of biodiversity, lasting management of forests, and the improvement of the reservations of carbon stocked by forests, to insert the potential of limitation of climatic change qu' have forests and other types of soil in future measurements aiming at reducing climatic change, while taking into account the fact that these approaches could serve of model for estimate and compensation of services returned by ecosystems. 7-The guarantee of development and transfer of the best practices, as well as technologies soft and hard, by means of mutual agreements, which will be essential to attain a coordinated answer and a real use of means in term of expense to struggle against the loss of biodiversity and climatic change. 8-The strengthening of the use of economy as a tool to reach targets fixed by policies in biodiversity by means of a better understanding of benefits coming from biodiversity and ecosystems, and expenses of their loss, as well as identification of options of potential policies for the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystems. 9-The investment in conservation, lasting use of natural resources and limitation and adaptation to climatic change, to contribute to a "green" worldwide economic recovery, by means of a positive and lasting tendency of labour market, and to contribute to the reduction of poverty in the world and to help parties prenantes in their catch of decision, by taking into account their individual responsibilities. 10-To Provide an impulse, an echo and a support of ongoing study on « The Economy of Ecosystems and Biodiversity » introduced by Initiative Postdam and as part of the strategy of the Valuation Millennium of Ecosystems, as well as similar studies. The private area, the society, and the industrialists should completely be involved in different stages of the development of these studies and in application of their results.

- The accomplishment of negotiations on international access and regime of distribution of benefits before 2010. 12-to Make become aware in the community at all levels of the manner ecosystems marine and of the Earth provide a constant flux of property and services, among which some people are essential in the survival of the men for the actual and future generations; and develop opportunities of market or other means and mechanisms to assert these stocks. 13-The enlargement of support for actions aiming at struggling against the illegal trade of fauna and flora, in which traffic threatens at the same time the elements of ecosystems and means of fauna and flora in which the poor communities grant a big value and from which they often acquire lasting sources of incomes. 14-The promotion of the establishment, restoration and an efficient management of protected zones and their environmental connectivité as being an essential tool for the uninterrupted flux of services returned by ecosystems. 15-improvement, promotion and efficient management of the systems of networks of of the Earth or marine protected zones, to encourage economic opportunities and of job, as well as promotion of new mechanisms such as Stimulant Life Web. 16-The minimization of any negative impact on biodiversity from the implementation of programs of development of facilities, as well as catch taking into account the manner these programs can contribute in a efficient way to investments in « Green Facilities ». 17-maintenance and restoration of ecosystems so that they can continue returning services to the community. 18-The improvement of the policies of biodiversity and the instigations which related to all appropriate areas, such as foresterie, peach and agriculture; the promotion of the markets of environmental products fabricated in harmony with nature; and the promotion of the management of natural lasting means as it was mentioned in the Initiative Satoyama introduced during the Call of Kobe. 19-The realization of environmental conservation and lasting development of the coastal and marine zones, by applying particularly the principles of management of the integrated coastal zones such as they were already implemented in the Mediterranean region by the Regional Program of the Seas of du Programme of United Nations for Environment (PNUE). 20-development and strengthening of actions to tell and control kinds invasives, and appraise it taking into account the high costs of management of the existent plagues of such kinds and their considerable impact on biodiversity and ecosystems. 21-The chase of the process of exploration of mechanisms to ameliorate interface science-policy for biodiversity and ecosystems, as part of conservation, as lasting use of biodiversity, human ease and lasting development, by taking into account the particular necessity to develop and to support the scientific and technical capacity of developing countries concerning questions linked to biodiversity, as it was decreed during the 25th Session of the Council of Government of PNUE and during the 10th Worldwide Forum of the Ministries of Environment; and by waiting for the next intergovernmental meeting in October, 2009, for the reaffirmation of our commitment to move forward this process, and to finish it earlier possible. 22-The support of collaboration between country, between international organizations, research institutes and not governmental organizations for a better worldwide surveillance of biodiversity, based on the real and existent network of models of surveillance. 23-The realization of data on the biodiversity, among which data on appropriate indicators of human ease, which are dependable, comparable and interoperable, and the development of worldwide approaches to exchange scientific knowledge, best practices, technologies and innovations, based on organizations, centres and existent mechanisms. 24-The adoption of centralized and total research at all levels, on biodiversity and ecosystems, by taking into account the different capacities of countries and improvement of development and usage of technologies moved forward to watch changes better in biodiversity and for a better worldwide environmental valuation. And on the basis of what precedes we also offer the installation of a common way towards the working frame post-2010 on biodiversity based on the following elements: a) The numerous challenges to which the world is confronted today are an indisputable sign of necessity which we have to reinforce our efforts to keep and manage in a lasting way biodiversity and natural resources. b) As much as takes place an economic significant loss linked to the not lasting use of biodiversity, adapted and opportune programs and of measurements, aiming at the strengthening of the resistance of ecosystems, have to be set up. c) In spite of efforts and commitments were taken to be objective 2010, the direct and indirect factors of the loss of biodiversity, aggravated by climatic change, are always in work. Besides, the world changes fast since the adoption of objective 2010. All these mailmen of loss of the biodiversity, drawing away threats of means and a long term for biodiversity, and identified on the basis of scientific research, should be taken into account in the elaboration of the working frame post-2010. d) A strategy of exhaustive communication, hiring completely all the different areas, as well as prenantes parties, indigènes and local communities, very as the private area, to emphasize their own participation and their responsibilities, is also a key factor for the efficient implementation of a working frame post-2010 for biodiversity. e) The reform of the environmental gouvernance at all levels is essential to insert biodiversity and ecosystems in all policies, to transform the actual weakness of the economic systems into opportunity and to encourage lasting development and job, notably by taking into account the situation of developing countries. "

Last Updated on Thursday, 30 April 2009 04:05